

How To Cure Morning Sickness?

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13y ago

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What Is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is a condition of nausea and vomiting which more than half of all women experience during the first three months of pregnancy. The effects are usually worst in the early hours of the morning, decreasing as the day progresses. However, symptoms can occur at any time and may last all day long. Morning sickness typically begins during the sixth week of pregnancy and ends between the twelfth and fourteenth weeks.

The purpose of morning sickness is to protect the fetus and the mother from toxins ingested in the early stages of pregnancy when both are most vulnerable. Severe vomiting can cause dehydration, alkalosis, weight loss, and hypokalemia.

The exact cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is not known. However, there are several possible causes that may act alone or in combination. Among these are:

•Estrogen: a hormone that increases rapidly during the early part of the pregnancy.

•An enhanced sense of smell and sensitivity to certain odors.

•Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): another hormone that rises rapidly during pregnancy.

•Low blood sugar.

Common Treatments

Home remedies will lessen the symptoms of nausea, but not cure the root cause. Common home remedies include:

•Saltine (or other dry) crackers in the morning.

•The scent of fresh cut lemons.

•Eating several small meals every day while avoiding large meals and an empty stomach.

•The BRAT Diet: Bananas, Rice, Apple Sauce, Toast and Tea.

•Consuming fruits and vegetables high in water content (melons, strawberries, grapes, lettuce).

•Ginger in the form of capsules, Ginger Ale, ginger tea or ginger snaps.

•Sucking on ice cubes or frozen pops.

Of course, not every morning sickness home remedy works for every pregnant woman. It may be necessary to try multiple cures or to experiment in order to find the one that works best. Sometimes, a doctor may prescribe anti-nausea medication, especially if the expectant mother is suffering from dehydration, malnutrition or weight loss.

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