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Many would-be beefcakes do the required grunt work in the gym to grow and strengthen their body. They sabotage their efforts, however, by not eating the proper foods. In fact, many simply do not eat enough pure calories to maximize the benefits from their workout. To gain muscle, the body must process an excess of calories every day. If an exerciser runs a calorie deficit, their gains will be minimal. Here are some food tips for those who want to gain huge muscle:

First, it bears repeating: EAT. You should be eating more calories than you burn. How many calories this is will depend on your size, sex, and activity levels. Do not go overboard here, however, as eating too much can make you gain the wrong kind of mass: fat. These calories should be good calories, not junk calories - it may be easy to eat french fries and burgers to hit 4000 calories a day, but you won’t see the benefits you expect.

Second, eat the right kinds of foods. You need to have a proper balance between fat, carbohydrates, and protein, with a special emphasis on protein. Animal and vegetable proteins supply the body with amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. Focus on lean animal protein, like chicken, turkey, fish, and milk. Make sure you also eat a wide variety of foods, like fruits and vegetables, to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to grow and stay healthy. And despite their reputation, don’t avoid fats, particularly the unsaturated variety, as they are crucial to your body’s healthy functioning.

Third, drink water. Muscles can easily become dehydrated, especially from tough workouts, and without water they will not grow. Constant dehydration is also dangerous and can cause injuries.

Fourth, eat immediately after a workout. There is a window of about 30 minutes after a workout when your body can absorb calories and nutrients most efficiently, which ultimately will help you gain strength and power. A protein shake is a particularly good option. You can get shakes at many health food stores. Many of these shakes are designed for muscle growth, and contain a hearty helping of protein and is well balanced with carbs, fats, and vitamins and minerals.

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