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Project management training has become very highly sought after in the last decade or two. Before that the title of “project manager” barely existed, and it was often considered a needless expense. Now that the value of project management services has finally been recognized, schooling has popped up all over. The prospective student’s challenge is to weed out the fly-by-night outfits and find the credentialed teaching facilities that will actually help drive their career forward.

The following three variables will determine the available project management training options for your industry or situation. The first regards locale. Unless you are a full time college student, you’re probably looking for a part time facility near where you live. Check out nearby higher learning institutions to see if they offer project management training or majors with hours you can work with.

If you can’t find something there are some good online options. Here, however, you have to be a little more diligent in your research. Make sure they are a legitimate, certified project management training organization.

Secondly, consider your long-term intentions. There is a project management certification available from the Project Management Institute that has become the gold standard among large companies hiring project managers. If your goal is to secure this certification, make sure the training you select is geared toward passing the test.

Finally, many employers are willing to foot the bill for project management training as part of their continuing education programs. These agreements often involve a promise on the employee’s part as to continued employment for a set amount of time. Failure to do so may result in an immediate amount due for the cost of the education. They may also have limitations on the schools they will pay for or the specific types of training for the employee’s job type, so careful research is required. These arrangements can save a lot of money and create a much more valuable and marketable employee in the future.

Project management training is the fastest way to a highly-visible career in a wide variety of industries. With it you’ll always have plenty of interesting and well-paying work for the asking.

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Courses in project management in the United States can be found attended at The Project Management Institute.This school teaches individuals the basics of project management.

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