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The symptoms of depression include -feeling hopeless or worthless, a loss of appetite, feeling very tired or on the other hand, agitated and unable to concentrate on anything, finding it hard to sleep, to study or to find pleasure in hobbies, avoiding friends or feeling like they want to harm themselves. You can find out more information form your doctor, work/school councilor or NHS direct.

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1mo ago

Common symptoms of depression include persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you experience several of these symptoms for an extended period of time, it's important to seek help from a healthcare professional.

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13y ago

Depression does not only significantly affect the person’s quality of life, it is also life threatening as people who suffer severe depression often have suicidal tendency. Unfortunately, many people do not know that they are suffering from depression and need to seek professional help.

Depression is often easy to be identified. Major symptoms include feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, appetite or weight changes, sleep changes, loss of energy, restlessness, unexplained aches, and self-loathing. More specifically, people who are suffering from depression have a bleak outlook, and they also lose interests in hobbies they normally enjoy. In addition, they will often feel irritated, have significant weight gain or weight loss, and have a strong sense of guilt. They are also likely to feel sluggish, physically exhausted, and have difficulties making decisions. People who have depression may also complain about back pain, stomachache, and backache that don’t have any physical cause.

The most alarming sign of depression is the desire to commit suicide. If a person is often talking about killing himself or harming himself, people around him should be alarmed and should never take that as a mere joke. Some people who have a suicidal tendency may have a preoccupation of death, writing wills, or saying things like the world will be better without me. If anyone show the above suicidal tendency, they should be taken to professional psychiatrists or counselors.

Depression can easily be kept under control if the patient receives proper counseling and medication. However, note that simply taking prescribed medicine will not cure depression. The person must recognize what is causing her emotional distress, and learn how she can deal with it appropriately. Support from family and friends is extremely important for timely recovery. Many patients who suffer from depression may stop medication or counseling once they begin to feel better. At this time, family and friends should encourage her to keep up with the treatment to ensure that she maintains her mental health.

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There are lots of online resources for coping with depression. is a good place to start. There are many quality websites out there where other people who suffer with depression explain their symptoms and how they've managed to cope.

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I think the best place to get treatment for your depression symptoms is with your local doctor. They can generally control your symptoms with SSRI medications

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