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Activities provide necessary life skill training for your children. School, community, sports, club and religious activities help your children learn practical skills and social awareness. As children engage in activities that allow them to utilize their talents and learn new skills, they form friendships that enhance their life and future. Enroll your children in group and individual activities for benefits that last a lifetime.

Find activities by networking with friends and neighbors. Ask parents at your child's school for recommendations. Search local newspapers and parenting magazines for activity sign ups and opportunities. Ask about free trial classes when introducing new activities to your children.

If a child feels reluctant to try a new activity, encourage him to discuss the source of his reluctance. Children often feel afraid and skeptical of new activities. Outline the benefits of the activities and encourage him to enroll with a friend or family member. After an introductory period, allow him to quit activities that cause social discomfort or do not fit your child's skill ability.

If activities overwhelm the family's schedule, both parents and children will experience burnout. Wise families make time to sit down and eat together instead of running to activities every night after school. Additionally, children must have adequate time to complete schoolwork and spend time relaxing at home. Consider participating in activities as a family. Sports, recreational and religious activities strengthen the family bond and allow every family member to participate.

As interests and friendships change over time, your child's activity interests may change. Do not panic if your child requests to quit an activity that he or she does not enjoy. He or she may return to the activity later in life. Look for the positive character traits and skills your child has learned through the activities he has enjoyed in the past.

Every child exhibits special talents, skills and abilities. Cultivate your child by encouraging him to participate in activities. Offer a variety of choices that challenge and equip your child for life.

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