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It can be difficult to tell for sure if a bone is broken, and even more difficult if you’re trying to diagnose an injury in your child. Minor injuries and falls are common enough during childhood that learning to tell the difference between the screaming induced by a scraped or banged elbow or knee and that resulting from a possible broken bone can be crucial. The following steps can assist you in diagnosing the severity of an injury while paying close attention to your child’s level of pain.

-Step 1: Consider any noises during the injury. If you or your child heard a grinding or snapping noise, this makes it quite possible that a bone has been broken.

-Step 2: Take a close look. A bump or sprain may start to swell a bit, but if you see any protuberances, or if there is excessive bruising or pain when pressed, a broken bone is likely.

-Step 3: Consider whether the pain is highly localized. If your child is complaining of pain in a very specific spot, a broken bone is likely.

-Step 4: Determine whether any weight can be borne on the injury. While a severe sprain will sometimes bear little weight at first, a broken bone will often bear almost none and only with great pain.

If your child seems to be in constant or severe pain, or any pain that doesn’t start abating soon, these steps are obviously no substitute for consulting with a qualified medical professional. On the other hand, for those constant minor injuries that can set your child wailing in a major way, these steps may help you quell your panic for long enough to evaluate whether the injury seems mild or severe. If ever in doubt, seek emergency medical assistance immediately. If a suspected broken bone or severe injury is sustained to the back, neck or head, or if any bones are protruding anywhere on your child’s body, do not move the child and have emergency medical help come to you immediately.

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