

Best Answer

by Joe Johnston

It can be a sky high tightrope to walk, making friends in any school—without being the prankster brat that the teachers hate. And when it comes to fashion, clothing design, or modeling, the elitist nature of the very fabric of the fashion world that makes it what it is, can make this commonly daunting task even harder. Here are a few tried and true tips that will rocket you to the top of your class, help you catch the eye of the opposite sex, while making solid friends of your own gender, and in all this, will still help you keep on your teacher’s good side.

1.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Smile! Try something as simple as just smiling at people when you first see them. A smile with no strings attached (not flirting or gloating) has the tendency to create an instant connection with its recipient, which can lead to positive feelings on both sides and a greater chance of friendship in the long run.

2.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Everybody needs appreciation. Even the hardest cases, and most independent or snobby people will feel better about themselves (and thus about you) if you can bring out the best in them. Don’t be stingy with your compliments. When one of your fellow students does something well or something that you like or admire—tell them so! As an extra bonus, search out things about them that aren’t immediately obvious. Maybe that girl sitting next to you is obviously very smart and everyone tells her so. Instead, find something that she doesn’t hear everyday—maybe she has a good eye for details, or good fashion coordination, or a beautiful smile!

3.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Be interested in people. As wonderful as you are, it’s not all about you. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and being someone who can listen to them can be a great potential friend-maker (or more). Learn to listen emotively, try to feel what they are feeling, and completely immerse yourself in what they are saying, without thinking of what you are going to say next.

Remember, it’s really all about the simple act of showing people love. And everyone, no matter who they are, needs love.

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