

How to Study for the GMAT?

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12y ago

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If you want to get admitted into a graduate business administrator program at a business school, you must take and adequately pass the GMAT, which stands for Graduate Management Admission Test. No matter how well you did in school, you will probably need to study in order to do well on GMAT.

It is recommended that you give yourself about two or three months to study for the GMAT. Two or more months will give you enough time to cover all the material thoroughly without feeling too rushed or that you're cramming.

Study Official Guide Books

The first thing you should do is purchase the official guide books (Official Guide for GMAT Review, 11th Edition) to study for the GMAT. Take the book and do every single problem correctly, and read the explanation of each problem. If you manage to finish the entire book before the GMAT, do all the questions over again to reinforce everything you've learned.

Ensure that you practice with an OG practice book, as these types of practice books include actual questions from the GMAT, so you will become very familiar with the actual pattern of questions that they ask. The questions on the GMAT should be very similar to the questions in the OG practice book.

GMAT Practice Exams

On the weekends, you should try doing a few GMAT practice exams. Ideally, you should do one or two each weekend. Although you must be knowledgeable to pass the GMAT, you must also be able to fully apply this knowledge to pass the GMAT. Practice exams will help you a whole lot with application. The Princeton Review GMAT book and the Kaplan GMAT both have quality practice exams that you can take.

Visit and download the GMATPrep, which is a 100 percent free software that you can take advantage of. This software has the same user interface as the actual GMAT exam, so this software is a great way to get a feel for the GMAT. Also, this software also includes exam questions that are currently retired from the GMAT.

Since the GMATPrep is extremely similar to the actual GMAT exam, how you do on the GMATPrep is a pretty good indicator on how well you will do on the GMAT. If you don't do well on the GMATPrep, then you have a lot of studying to do.

As you can see, passing the GMAT isn't an impossible task since you have so many resources at your fingertips. Some of these resources are free, while some cost money.

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Some popular study materials for GMAT preparation include official GMAT guides, Manhattan Prep books, Kaplan GMAT prep books, and online resources such as Magoosh or GMAT Club. It is recommended to use a combination of different resources to get a well-rounded preparation for the exam.

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There are many websites and schools that have a wealth of information about the content of the GMAT but some of these websites may be beneficial

Best Study Materials for GMAT Prep?

Some top study materials for GMAT prep include official GMAT guides, Manhattan Prep books, Kaplan GMAT prep books, and online resources like Magoosh and GMAT Club. It's recommended to use a combination of these materials to cover all aspects of the exam. Additionally, taking practice tests under timed conditions is crucial for success on the GMAT.

How many GMAT study books do I need?

Do not buy more than one GMAT study book, if that. There is a lot of information available online and you will not need to purchase more than one book for the same information.

Where can i buy gmat study material?

You should be able to buy GMAT study material at any good bookstore. If you live near a college or university, the bookstore there would be a good bet. You can also get them online from Amazon.

How do you study for Gmat and CAT online free?

First let me advice you to get some background material in wikipedia. You can search (in Google or Yahoo) for free online questions in these categories: 1. GMAT Quantitative Section - test knowledge in mathematics which includes Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry. 2. GMAT Verbal Section - measures the ability to read, approach, evaluate and understand texts in English. 3. GMAT Essay Section - two type of Essay are asked (a) Analysis of Issue (b) Analysis of Argument. There are lot of free web sites that gives you free samples. You can also check websites such as, TotalGadha GMAT, PagalGuy, GMAT Club etc. to get access to free information on GMAT. See links bellow for Wikipedia, and a free wiki based website that share GMAT questions for example.

How should I study for the GMAT Test?

The official GMAT website at can help you with your studying needs. At this website, you can find information about the test, as well as free test tips and advice.

How long does it take to complete a gmat practice test?

The time it takes to complete a GMAT practice test can be three to four hours. This practice test is a very long test. You should make sure to study before you take your GMAT practice test.

The Gmat asks for my undergraduate GPA I only had a 2.7 will they tell me that I can't take the gmat?

No, I have an MBA and took the GMAT. ANYBODY can take the GMAT if they pay the fee. I'd skip the prep classes (save your money) and buy a study guide. I'm sure there is online test prep help available too. That'll keep you busy for awhile!

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