

How to Treat Acid Reflux?

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13y ago

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Acid reflux occurs when the LES, or lower esophageal sphincter does not effectively keep stomach acid from migrating up into the chest and esophageal area. When this happens, irritating acid can cause heartburn, cough and a burning sensation in the throat. Acid reflux treatment can include the use of over the counter medications that block acid production, or medications that neutralize excess stomach acids. In addition, acid reflux treatment may be as simple as staying away from offending foods such as coffee, chocolate and spicy foods.

Another effective acid reflux treatment includes elevated the head of the bed, because lying flat can cause stomach acid to back up into the throat. Elevated the head of the bed, either on blocks or a few pillows, can keep acid below the level of the esophagus, therefore, staving off symptoms. Other acid reflux treatments include drinking plenty of water because water dilutes stomach acid, rendering it less irritating, and refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking. Both of these practices have the ability to increase the production of stomach acid.

Sometimes, it is necessary to see a health care provider when seeking acid reflux treatment because certain cases can be worse than others, and may require more treatment than over the counter, or home remedies can provide. The physician may prescribe medication and devise a diet plan specifically designed to reduce symptoms of acid reflux. In some cases, however, further medical evaluation may need to be done before an effective treatment plan can be developed. The patient may be sent for lab work, or may be referred to another Doctor Who specializes in the treatment of acid reflux treatment.

Usually, conservative remedies or acid reflux are sufficient enough to reduce symptoms. Eating a healthy diet and limiting coffee can dramatically improve symptoms, as can losing weight. People who are overweight exert pressure on their diaphragms, which can worsen symptoms of acid reflux. Losing a few pounds is sometimes all that is needed in the treatment of acid reflux to significantly reduce symptoms.

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it says that acupressure is one of the aids in to ease acid reflux and also by relaxation therapy.

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Over-the-counter you can buy Prevacid for your acid reflux. Cabbage juice and apple cider vinegar are two non-medicinal methods to treat the symptoms.

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There are medications available that have been proven successful in treating acid reflux and the damage that occurs. Many doctors recommend Protonix.

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"acid reflux" is "reflux gastrique" in French.

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Does acid reflux contribute to sterility? No. But if you have kids, their behaviour can contribute to acid reflux.

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There are several variations of the anit-reflux diet out there. They all basically are designed to provide you with a meal plan that deals with acid reflux disease as much as possible.

What is the medical abbreviation meaning acid reflux?

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the abbreviation meaning acid reflux.

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Does chocolate soymilk affect acid reflux? Soymilk, like dairy milk, is basic, and will neutralize stomach acid to some extent. It's possible that soymilk would relieve discomfort associated with acid reflux, however, it will not treat the underlying cause of too much acid being produced. Talk to a doctor for treatment options.

Can acid reflux disease be transmitted?

No. Acid reflux is not contagious nor is it hereditary.

Are there any tips for eating if you have acid reflux?

You can eat some food supplement to treat this problem. Apple can be the best because it can control the production acid in your stomach and reduce pain resulting from acid reflux. The simple and effective way is to eat several slices of apple daily.

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Mint can aggravate acid reflux, yes.