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A strict definition would be "a person who is addicted to alcohol." In reality, the degree of the problem is best measured by behavior and the effect on the person's life.

Active alcoholics or those with alcohol abuse problems may show any or all of the following symptoms. Any are cause for alarm.

  • Denial
  • Excuses for unacceptable, irrational or uncharacteristic behavior
  • Drinking alone or in secret
  • Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink
  • Not remembering conversations or commitments, sometimes referred to as "blacking out"
  • Making a ritual of having drinks before, with or after dinner and becoming annoyed when this ritual is disturbed or questioned
  • Losing interest in activities and hobbies that used to bring pleasure
  • Feeling a need or compulsion to drink
  • Irritability when your usual drinking time nears, especially if alcohol isn't available
  • Keeping alcohol in unlikely places at home, at work or in the car
  • Gulping drinks, ordering doubles, becoming intoxicated intentionally to feel good or drinking to feel "normal"
  • Having legal problems or problems with relationships, employment or finances
  • Building a tolerance to alcohol so that you need an increasing number of drinks to feel alcohol's effects
  • Experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms - such as nausea, sweating and shaking - if you don't drink.
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What unit of measurement do you use to describe the strength of an alcoholic drink?

Proof which is twice the percent of alcohol

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The word "alcoholic" does not have a prefix.You could add the prefix non- to it to make the word nonalcoholic.The word "alcoholic" does have a suffix; -ic is added to the end of the noun "alcohol" (a word for a thing) to form the noun "alcoholic", (a word for a person); and the adjective "alcoholic" to describe something as containing alcohol.

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For most of the same reasons anyone else would, exaggerated by an alcoholic's tendency to make poor or impulsive decisions.

What if i am a weekend alcoholic?

you would need to go to rehab

How many calories in Coors non alcoholic beer?

Generally speaking non-alcoholic beverages and soft drinks are allowed to have a ABV of below 1.0%, in which non-alcoholic beer would fall into that category.

What happens if ferret drinks beer?

Alcoholic beverages are toxic to any animals Alcoholic beverages would be toxic to a ferret leading to death.

How would you describe a color?

I would describe it as a crayon.

How do you describe the strength of an alcoholic drink?

Alcohol is measured in proof. 100% proof whiskey is 50% alcohol. Everclear is 95% alcohol.

Why are sugar crystal important?

Without sugar, yeast would not be able to rapidly reproduce, and we would have no bread, pastries, or Alcoholic Beverages.