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Q: In What year was the towel invented?
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Who invented the paper towel dispenser?

There is no clear data about who invented the paper towel dispenser. The U.S patent company has not released information about the paper towel dispenser.

When was the towel invented?

The towel first used during the Middle Ages for medical purposes solely. It is thought to be invented around 94 A.D.

When was the towel first invented?

The towel first used during the Middle Ages for medical purposes solely. It is thought to be invented around 94 A.D.

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What year was brown paper towel invented?

Paper towels were first made by Arthur Scott from a cartload of rejected toilet paper.He perforated them into small towel-size sheets and sold them as the first disposable paper towels. Scott was also the first to introduce the paper towel for kitchens, in 1931.Gurjot Singh Sodhi

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Who invented the first paper towel?

Arthur Scott invented Paper towels Scott Paper Company In 1931.

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In the year 1879, Clarence Scott invented the paper towel in Philladelphia.

Who invented the first towel?

The invention of the towel was associated, at least apocryphally, with the city of Bursa in Turkey. The city is still noted for the production of "Turkish towels."

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The paper towel was invented by Arthur Scott in 1931. Which is why the brand "Scott" is one of the most known.

Who invented the bath towel holder?

No one holds a patent on the bath towel holder. It's an idea that has existed for quite a long time, so no one has taken claim to it. There are also a number of companies that manufacture bath towel holders.

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