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Pretty much any business. They can used for inventory control, finance purposes, employees, etc.

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Q: In what business spreadsheets would most useful?
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What major companies use spreadsheets?

retail Sales figures are all spreadsheets Most sales figures are Anything that has a value you track recurrently can be put into a spreadsheet and become more usable information once it is cross referenced with a second tracked value or variable in a spreadsheet.

What would be the second most useful language for business?

== After English, Mandarin

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I would check your local schools for business degree programs. That would be the most helpful and useful thing in learning how to start your own business.

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America does do a lot of business with Japan, so in some companies, it would be useful to speak Japanese, but in most companies, it doesn't come up. If you had a business that catered to Japanese tourists, then obviously a knowledge of Japanese would be tremendously useful. But for easily 99% of American businesses, Japanese is not used or needed.

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What the most useful machine is, is a matter of opinion. Some would argue that the wheel is the most useful machine, and others would argue that the lever is the most useful.

What businesses use spreadsheets?

The most popular businesses that use spreadsheets are Google and Microsoft.

In Which scenario would spreadsheet software be most useful?

The word processing application would be most useful when writing a script or a letter. It would also be useful when writing a report. WRONG WRONG WRONG

What is software management most useful for?

Software Management is useful in business and is usually handled by the information technology department to help make your business run more smoothly.

What sort of companies would benefit from an internet marketing expert?

An internet marketing expert would be most useful for a business that wishes to sell products through the internet. If you are a local service type of business then you do not need the expert. Most of the things that an expert do can be completed by most companies internally and be less costly.

What computer courses are useful for Bachelor of business management students?

Answer- Study of computer courses are useful for business management study. Internet marketing course can be most useful for bachelor of business management students because today almost every business give importance to promote their products and services via internet.

What would be most useful in tracking the movement of a tropical storm?

Weather data charts for the past month would be most useful.