

is a black hole bigger than a giant star?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, a black hole is usually a star that has been compressed to a point where the density is really high.

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Q: Is a black hole bigger than a giant star?
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When a star collapses does it get bigger?

that depends on how large the red or super red giant was. if it was a super red giant that is 1000X larger than a red giant. it will become a black hole

Can a humongous star like a blue giant destroy a black hole?

No, the black hole will swallow it because it's gravity is much stronger than the blue giant star.

What is a black hole made from?

A giant star that ends it life in a supernova

What is made after a supernova?

After a Supernova explosion, a Black Hole is created. Thats right.... Stars make black holes! Here is the life cycle of stars! Not the real one, just... when it turns into a black hole. Gases in space> Bigger gasses in space> A pretty star> Still a normal star> Old dwarf star> SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION> Giant Black Hole! Tada!

If a star dies what happens?

it depends on the mass. If the star is small and it dies then it will turn into a red giant then a white dwarf. But if the star has enough mass and is bigger than any other star then it will collapse and turn into a black hole.

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it would depend if the star was a red giant or a super red giant and if it is 1000X larger than a red giant then it would turn into a black hole. some people think that the star at the center of the galxy is a black hole (but don't woury the solar system is at the rim of the galixy)

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Red giant.

What is the black hole gas giant?

a star dying in space that sucks everything into it.

Star of life?

Nebule > Star > Red Giant > Red Dwarf > White Dwarf > Supernova > Neutron Star > Black Hole.

What does the black hole do to the star?

A black hole originated as a star, that is, the star converted to a black hole.

Is a neutron star or a black hole bigger?

A black hole has more mass than a neutron star, but if you are comparing volume it would depend on the mass of the black hole. A neutron star is estimated to be about 14 miles in diameter, which is larger than the event horizon of a black hole up to about 3.8 times the mass of the sun. A more massive black hole will be larger.

How does a star turn into a red giant?

A star turns into a red giant when it lose fuel and die. If a star isn't a massive star then it expands into a red giant. After that it becomes a white dwarf. If its massive then it collapses on itself and turns into a black hole.