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Q: Is was and cleaning a subject or a predicate?
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What is natural and transposed sentence?

Natural sentence: the subject is found in the beginning and the predicate last. Transposed sentence: the predicate is found in the beginning and the subject last.

What is the subject and predicate for the sentenceA natural resource is a material found in nature that is useful or necessary to living things?

The complete subject is "A natural resource" and the complete predicate is "is a material found in nature that is useful or necessary to living things". The simple subject is "resource" and the simple predicate is "is".

What is a predicate noun?

The predicate noun (also called a predicate nominative) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.For example: "Sally is a girl." The predicate noun is girl which restates the subject noun, Sally.

What does a predicate nominatvie describe?

A predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun that follows a linking verb to restate the subject of the sentence. Example:Mom is the boss.Theyare friends.

What are some types of noun?

A noun is a thing or idea as a part of speech. It can be a predicate noun, a direct object, a preposition object, a subject, and more. A predicate noun is a noun that follows a linking verb to describe the subject (e.g. The bird is a crow (where "crow" is the predicate noun)). A direct object is the thing that receives the action (verb) committed by the subject (e.g. The bird killed the man ("man" is the direct object)). A prepositional object is whatever noun with which the preposition is describing a relation (e.g. The bird is below the cloud (where "cloud" is the object if the preposition "below")). A subject is whatever noun is committing the action or predicate (e.g. The bird killed the man ("bird" is the subject)).

Related questions

What is the subject and predicate in the sentence Needs to clean his room today?

I think it is Was and Cleaning.

Is was and cleaning part of a subject?

"was cleaning" is a verb phrase, so it would not be part of the subject. It would be part of the predicate.

What is the subject and predicate of thank you?

you is subject thank is predicate

Is ambled home a subject or predicate?

it is a predicate

What are 5 examples of subject and predicate?

The cat (subject) slept peacefully (predicate). Sarah (subject) enjoys reading books (predicate). The sun (subject) shone brightly (predicate). The children (subject) played in the park (predicate). The teacher (subject) explained the lesson (predicate).

What comprise a sentence?

A subject and a predicate.

Is a movie a subject predicate or direct object?

Subject predicate.

What is the subject and predicate in the sentence- what is your name?

The subject is "name" and the predicate is "is".

What are examples of simple subject with simple predicate?

James likes reading. subject = James, predicate = likes We left our lunch at home. -- subject = we, predicate = left The doctor examined the patient -- subject = doctor predicate = examined He stole my book . -- subject = He predicate = stole The man is a monster -- subject = man predicate = is

Is followed by a predicate adjective or predicate noun that renames or describes the subject?

A subject complement is the predicate adjective or predicate noun that follows a linking verb to rename or describe the subject.

What is a complete subject and a complete predicate?

The complete subject is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. The complete predicate is the verb and any words that modify or complete the verb's action. Together, the complete subject and complete predicate make up a complete sentence.

States what subject does is or has in a sentence?

Simple sentences are comprised of a subject and a predicate. The predicate states what the subject is, has, or does.