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Medical benefits are extremely important to employees in today�s economic environment. At a time when many families have faced lay offs and one or both spouses are unemployed, medical benefits play a larger role in determining which company a candidate ultimately chooses to work for. If a spouse has been laid off the burden of providing medical benefits for the family ultimately falls on the other spouse. Therefore, it is advantageous to offer medical benefits to employees in order to retain them and attract new, experienced employees. Medical benefits are expensive for business owners, but the cost can be shared with the employee in order to alleviate the expense on the company.

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Offering Decent Employee Benefits Attracts Qualified Candidates?

Employee benefits may be one of the most important factors that attract highly skilled and experienced employees to your company. The health of the employee and the family may be the single most important benefit of working because healthcare costs are at an all time high today. That being said, highly qualified candidates may likely turn down a job offer with decent compensation if the company does not provide decent employee benefits. Essentially, in order for a company to attract and retain highly qualified and experienced employees, the company must offer attractive employee benefits for the employee and their family.

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