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Q: Mendel concluded that trait are inherited as discrete units what do you call these discrete units today?
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What did mendel mean by a factor?

Yes, what Mendel called 'Factors' are in the modern times called genes.A geneis a molecular unit of heredityof a living organism. It is a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA that code for a polypeptide or for an RNA chain that has a function in the organism.The notion of a gene began when Gregor Mendel noticed that biological variations are inherited from parent organisms as specific, discrete traits.He named these 'discrete units' as 'factors'.Hence, what Mendel called 'Factors' are in the modern times called genes.

What Mendel's factors called today?

For him they were just discrete physical units of inheritance. Johanson coined the term "gene" and people started calling them genes. Today for us these factors are parts of DNA, the base sequences that carry the biological information to determine a trait. Mendel factors are alleles of genes.

What are Mendel's factors today called?

For him they were just discrete physical units of inheritance. Johanson coined the term "gene" and people started calling them genes. Today for us these factors are parts of DNA, the base sequences that carry the biological information to determine a trait. Mendel factors are alleles of genes.

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The homeland of gregor mendel?

Mendel was born in a German-speaking family in the Silesian part of the Austrian Empire (today's Czech Republic)

Who founded genetics?

Gregor Mendel was an Australian Monk who was metuculus about his pea plants and founded the primary principles of genetics today.

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What does Mendel's work mean for us today?

Mendel laid the groundwork for our present-day study of genetics, and genetic traits passed along in families.

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