

Mixed News for CFS Patients

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as CFS, is characterized by disabling symptoms such as extreme exhaustion or fatigue and trouble sleeping. As a result, many patients diagnosed with CFS also suffer from cognitive problems that can impair memory and cognitive functioning. While the symptoms are recognizable to most doctors, it remains unclear what actually causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

It was not until the 1980s that the first noted cases of CFS were recording in the United States. To this day, doctors and researchers remain divided as to the believed cause for the syndrome. While some believe that CFS may be caused by viral infections, others are not so sure.

Other researchers and doctors have more or less dismissed the condition and written it off as a stress-related problem or a psychosomatic illness. As a result many CFS patients as well as their family and friends continue to be dismissive, thinking the condition is all in the patient’s head.

Common symptoms of CFS:

  • Fatigue and post-exertional fatigue
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Exhaustion or fatigue even after sleeping
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Sore throat
  • Mild fever
  • Recently, an advisory panel to the FDA urged the agency to ban blood donations from patients with CFS in their medical history. It may seem odd, but this was considered good news by sufferers of the condition who felt that CFS was finally being taken seriously.

    Unfortunately for CFS patients, less than a week later four additional papers were published suggesting that the earlier studies that lead panel experts to make such a recommendation were more than likely the result of laboratory contamination.

    For patients, the news has been frustrating as experts have not come to a consensus on the causes or best treatments for individuals dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome.

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One More Reason To Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life?

In Britain, research experts completed a new study that examined the potential for cognitive behavior therapy and exercise in relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). What they discovered won't surprise many patients, and it confirms what doctors have been saying all along.The British study suggests that individuals who suffer from CFS receive benefits when they combine standard medication and treatment with exercise and/or behavior therapy.Well-known benefits of regular exercise:Improved heart and lung functionReduced stressWeight lossBetter sleepElevated moodFor those who don't enjoy exercise, the news may not be so exiting. However, in general it is excellent news for CFS patients, as CFS is a condition commonly associated with symptoms such as sleep problems, memory and concentration impairments, excessive exhaustion and fatigue and pain in the joints and muscles.The new research supports recommendations that had previously been controversial, including the idea that by incrementally modifying the type and amount of physical activity and improving one's attitude, a person can positively affect his or her wellbeing.In an online version of The Lancet, London School of Medicine's Dr. Peter D. White stated that chronic fatigue syndrome patients who received exercise therapy or cognitive behavior therapy noticed less fatigue and improved overall function when compared to those who only received traditional medical care from their specialist or physician.Despite these finding, experts are still at a quandary as to what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. The good news for patients is that behavioral therapy can help patients back away from long-held fears that physical activity will only worsen their symptoms.As a result of the study's findings, experts encourage patients and their doctors to take a more creative approach to treatment by combining new therapies and alternative options in order to select a treatment schedule that brings maximum benefits for patients. Those with CFS should be encouraged by these results and feel more confident about including physical activity in their daily routines.

Does anyone know if Activive really helps cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

There is NO cure for CFS, just like there is NO clinical test for diagnosing the illness. There are "cures" for SOME of the many symptoms that a person with CFS suffers with. CFS requires a change in lifestyle in order to manage the disease and improve a patients 'quality of life.' If diagnosed at an early onset along with the necessary lifestyle changes and medical management of the symptoms, people have been known to go into long term periods of 'remission' so to speak. CFS can get worse if not properly diagnosed (and thus treated) at its onset.

Is there any connection between CFS -- chronic fatigue syndrome -- and RSD?

Both RSD and CFS are real physical disorders. RSD's main characteristic is pain while CFS's main characteristic is debilitating exhaustion. Both seem to have connections with the central nervous system. For CFS, there is no one particular test that can diagnose the condition, so many suffer from being labled a hypochondriac or their sympotms are blamed on depression. But most CFS sufferers who are given MRI's show abnormalities, white spots, on the brain. Others are often found to have heart and blood pressure abnormalities that were not present before the onset of CFS. It is not uncommon for people with CFS to also have other disorders along with CFS and it is possible to have both.

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Don Lemon is one of the news anchors for the Cable News Networks. Yes, he is racially mixed and that explains why he is part of the Black In America.

Does exercise help Chronic fatigue syndrome?

A program of moderate exercise helps to keep patients from losing physical conditioning, but too much exercise can worsen fatigue and other CFS symptoms

How long does Chronic fatigue syndrome last?

No, you cannot die from CFS. IT can cause depression and is very dificult to deal with but is not deadly. The problem is properly diagnosing the cause of CFS. According to the book 'America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link To AIDS', in 1993, a leading CFS researcher, Dr Paul Cheney reported that five of his twenty CFS patients died in that year- two committed suicide and three, like AIDS patients, succumbed to overwhelming infections that their damaged immune systems just couldn't fight off. There is much speculation that CFS patients may have similar immune system deficiencies as so-termed 'non-HIV AIDS' cases.