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There are many pros and cons of medical weight loss surgery. A patient that is 80-100 pounds overweight often presents with a medical history of Heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, Diabetes, joint related complications, and other medical ailments. These medical problems are often reduced or disappear with weight loss and maintenance. However, there may be complications with medical weight loss surgery such as abdominal pain, vomiting, hernia, band slippage and saline leakage with some forms of this surgery. Emergency surgery may be necessary if gastric fluids leak into the abdomen. Patients may develop nutritional deficiencies such as osteoporosis and anemia.

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Q: Pros and Cons of Medical Weight Loss Surgery ?
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Related questions

What are the pros and cons for weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery has the pros of helping someone lose weight faster and without as much work up front but the cons of the person cannot be severely overweight, the chance of death/complications with surgery adn the problem of the weight coming back if the person doesn't change their habits

what exactly is medical weight loss surgery?

Medical wieght loss surgery involves altering the stomach in order for it to digest only a portion of the food that you intake. It is a drastic step to lossing weight.

Where can I found out about bariatric bypass?

There are actually several different bariatric surgeries for weight loss including gastric banding, sleeve gastectomy, and gastric bypass surgery. An excellent reference discussing whether weight loss surgery is appropriate for you, and the pros and cons of all three of these surgeries can be found at WebMD:

What is a bypass surgery that is related to weight loss?

Bypass surgery is a complicated medical procedure to encourage weight loss, this information should be sought out on valid medical websites. Valid websites include WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and the NIH.

Where can I find info on medical weight loss surgery online?

This website gives you info on what types of weight loss surgery there are and is a very very informational site. It shows how much pounds people have lost and calories just because of weight loss surgery!

What are the pros and cons of obese surgery?

The pros and cons of obsese surgery depend on the type of surgery. However, in general the pros is rapid weight loss, often with a reduction in high blood pressure and diabetes. The cons center around post-operative complications and long-term risks of having a major surgery.

Is there a bariatris surgery center in tennessee?

Bariatric surgery is offered in Knoxville, TN, at the Tennessee Weight Loss and Surgery Center at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. There is also the Vanderbilt Center for Surgical Weight Loss in Nashville.

Where can I learn more about medical weight loss surgery?

Information on weight loss surgery can generally be found in health care clinics and hospitals, as well as health spas. Specifics on the surgery may also be found online by reputable surgeons.

What is medical weight loss used for?

Some surgical procedures require the patient to not be overweight. Being overweight can cause multiple complications that increase the risk in surgery. Medical weight loss eliminates that risk.

Where can I find info on gastrectomy surgery online?

WebMD provides a very good description of what the gastrectomy surgery involves including a list of pros, cons and risks involved with the surgery. The article in which all of the information is located here:

What is the recovery time of weight loss surgery?

Recovery times for weight loss surgery can vary depending on the type of surgery that was performed. In many cases, one can recover from weight loss surgery in as little as one week.

Where can I found out about gastric weight loss surgery?

The best place to go to learn more about gastric bypass surgery is your family doctor. You could also go to and learn the pros and cons of gastric bypass surgery