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An encore performance of the chickenpox virus, varicella-zoster, can result in a painful and sometimes dangerous condition known as shingles, or herpes zoster. The virus can reactivate years after a bout of chickenpox, predominantly manifesting itself as an itchy, prickling rash. Nerve pain confined to one particular area of the body before the appearance of a rash is very common. In some cases, the virus' reactivation begins with flu-like symptoms, with the exception of a fever. The tell-tale sign of the shingles virus is the bumpy rash that forms days after the initial pain. Stinging, site-specific pain and itching at the rash site are the most common and intense symptoms, according to Though the pain is usually the first indicator, the small, red bumps that form a shingles rash are the first visual cues that the virus has reactivated and multiplied. The rash can develop anywhere on the body but is usually confined to a small section or strip of skin and only occurs on one side of the body. In some moderate shingles cases, the bumps merge to form a solid red band. The rash may wrap completely around the right or left side of the body, and it can even appear on the face and around one eye. Serious shingles infections near the eye can cause blindness if not treated immediately. Within three to five days, the bumps that form the rash fill with fluid, becoming blisters. These blisters fill with pus, burst open and then crust over after two or three weeks. About a month after their initial appearance, the blisters heal completely, the body sloughing off any remaining crust. The pain associated with a shingles rash is unlike other skin irritations because the virus utilizes the nerve roots responsible for sending sensation to the skin, traveling along the same path as the nerve endings. This is also the cause of the band-like appearance of this rash. Shingles can occur in any individual who has had the chickenpox, but the virus most frequently affects those over the age of 60 and people chronic diseases that lower immunity.

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What are the early symptoms of shingles?

When the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates, it causes shingles. Early symptoms of shingles include headache, sensitivity to light, and When the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates, it causes shingles. Early symptoms of shingles include headache, sensitivity to light, and

Is it okay to get shingles at the age of 14?

There is no "OK" or "Not OK" to it. You either have the shingles symptoms or you don't. It would be exTREMEly unusual for someone as young as age 14 to exhibit shingles symptoms.

What are the symptoms of internal shingles?

Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

What are symptoms of internal shingles?

Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

What are the first 3 symptoms of shingles?

The first three symptoms of shingles are extreme sensitivity or pain in the broad band, sensitivity to light and flu. These symptoms can occur in the initial stage.

What are the common symptoms of shingles?

Shingles is an advanced form of chicken pox. The most common and easy to spot symptoms include burning or itching as well as bright red spots on the skin.

What are the symptoms of the illness shingles?

Shingle is a painful skin rash. The symptoms of shingles includes pain, burning, a numbness or tingling, itching, a red rash that begins a few days after the pain.

Will vaccination guarantee that I won't get shingles?

Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a . Prevention and Shingles Vaccine.

What are the symptoms and treatments of shingles?

The symptoms of shingles are very closely linked to those of chicken pox. Red itchy burning sensations. The inability to normal daily tasks such as walking and getting dressed. There is no treatment for shingles although there is a new vaccine for people over 65.

What are some symptoms of shingles?

some symptoms of shingles are that you have abdominal pain, chills, headaches, vision problems, joint problems. other symptoms will be obvious like the developing of circle-clump like , shaped blisters filled with puss on your body. ew . . . .

Can an infected bug bite first diagnosed cause shingles or is it not a bug bite but a single shingle and days later several blisters down your right arm and shoulder that I could feel burst?

The bug bite will not cause shingles. Shingles is a re-activation of the chickenpox virus that affects a single nerve bundle, generally on the torso. The symptoms you are describing could be shingles (particularly if you had chickenpox as a child), or it could be an infection in the lymphatic system (possibly caused by a bug bite).

Could you please tell me what is wrong with me as i have numbness and pains in my head everyday?

Go see your doctor. The symptoms you describe could be serious.