

Spinal Stenosis Pain

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12y ago

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Spinal stenosis is usually associated with aging, but anyone can have the often painful back problem. Spinal stenosis is a condition where the spaces in the spine become narrow. This narrowing puts pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis usually occurs in the lower part of the back called the lumbar spine. Pain that runs down the leg is associated with the condition.

Causes of Spinal Stenosis

There are several reasons that a person might have spinal stenosis.

Age spinal spaces become narrow with age due to the thickening of ligaments, development of small growths on the bones, deterioration of cushioning disks or the breakdown of facet joints. These are all age-related conditions.

Arthritis both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Spinal Instability slipping vertebra can result in the spinal canal becoming narrow

Tumors abnormal growths on the spine can cause inflammation and spinal column collapse

Trauma accidents or injuries

Heredity usually the cause of stenosis in younger people

Treatment of Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis can cause pain because of the pressure the narrowing of the spine puts on the spinal cord and nerves. There are ways to help manage the pain.

Change in posture many people find that leaning forward when walking will help keep the pressure off the spine. Another exercise is to lie flat on the back and bring the knees up to the chest. Flexing the spine eases pressure and can bring relief when the condition gets painful.

Activity it is better to keep the body moving and in good physical condition. Aerobic exercise is recommended, and bicycling is a good exercise for stenosis. The exercise should be followed by resting the back area, and it is important to not engage in activities that will further strain the back, such as jumping up and down.

Medication nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory medications can relieve the pain.

If the pain gets debilitating, surgery is often recommended. More room is created in the spinal canal with laminectomy surgery, or the vertebrae can be fused together to stabilize spinal strength. In some cases surgery will alleviate the problem, but it other cases the pain either stays the same or gets worse.

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Spinal stenosis is not back pain, but it can be a cause of back pain. Stenosis implies narrowing of the spinal canal because of thickened pedicles, or hypertrophied ligaments, or a disk bulge, or a tumor, etc. Sometimes this can cause pain if it aggravates pain-generating structures within or around the spinal canal.

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Physical therapy and prescribed exercises can reduce spinal stenosis pain without medication. In severe cases surgery may be necessary.

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Lumbar spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the back bone. This is a form of arthritis due to getting older. The bone in your back will curve which causes pain.

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Get complete spinal canal stenosis treatment in Lucknow from Dr Ashish Jain. Say goodbye to back pain and enjoy a pain-free life.

What are symptoms of spinal stenosis?

The most common symptoms of spinal stenosis include pain or numbness of the back or legs when walking or running and an inability to prevent sudden falls.

How can I prevent spinal pain due to spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis pain can be hepled with some gentle stretching and easy yoga. It is important to talk to you doctor before starting an exercise plan. If you feel pain rather than mild discomfort while doing activites you should stop.

What are some symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis?

Symptoms of lumbar spinal Stenosis include numbness, weakness, cramping, or pain in the legs, feet, or buttock; stiffness in legs and thighs; low back pain. In severe cases, loss of bladder and bowel control. Answer Pain, numbness, weakness or tingling in the arms/hands and the legs may indicate cervical spinal stenosis. Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis experience the same symptoms but limited to the lower back, legs, and feet.

What is meant by moderate ap thecal sac stenosis of 6.4 mm?

It means moderate spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis (or narrowing) is a common condition that occurs when the small spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord, becomes compressed. This causes a 'pinching' of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots, which leads to pain, cramping, weakness or numbness.

Is lumbar stenosis a cancer How can it be cured?

Lumbar stenosis is arthritis of the spinal cord which can cause severe back pain. It causes the spinal cord cavity to narrow and to put pressure on the nerves.

What's severe spinal stenosis and how to treat it?

Severe spinal stenosis occurs when part of your spine narrows, putting pressure on your spinal cord or nerves. That pressure can cause pain, numbness or weakness in your back, neck, shoulders or limbs. Treatment for spinal stenosis will involve specialists in neurology, orthopedics and physical rehabilitation.

What are the primary symptoms of spinal stenosis?

There are not a lot of symptoms for spinal stenosis and those that do exist develop slowly. The main indicator of this ailment is leg pain that is relieved when the person lays down or bends over.

Is there any way to relief the pain from severe spinal stenosis without taking medication?

Rest and changes in posture often help alleviate pain from spinal stenosis. Surgery may also be an option if other treatments don't provide the needed relief.