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When thinking of illnesses or health problems that kill individuals on a large scale, cancer is usually the first thing that comes to mind. However, Heart disease is responsible for many deaths across the globe. Heart disease can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from genetics, diet, to lifestyle habits. Individuals of all ages can be at risk of heart disease meaning that it is never too early to start living a heart healthy lifestyle.

Typically, heart problem symptoms are obvious and should be seen as a warning sign to individuals who are experiencing them. If experiencing any of these symptoms, seek the advise of a doctor immediately. Heart problem symptoms include:

Feeling Dizzy and or Lightheaded:

Feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness can be caused by problems that can be traced back to a heart problem. Blood disorders such as anemia often cause dizziness in patience. Additionally, dehydration, thyroid disease, cardiac arrhythmias, or heart failure can also cause these symptoms. Although these symptoms do not necessarily mean that a patient is suffering from heart disease, those experiencing dizziness and or lightheadedness should see a doctor immediately.

Chest Discomfort and Pain:

Chest pain can be used to describe any feeling of pressure, squeezing, numbness, or choking in the upper abdomen, neck and or chest areas. These feelings may occur briefly or over the period of several days. Again, these symptoms do not guarantee that a patient is having a heart problem, however, they are common with heart problem symptoms and a patient should see a doctor as soon as possible if experiencing them.

Abnormal Heartbeat:

If a patient is experiencing any strange disturbances in heart beat, it could be a symptom of a heart problem. A patient's heartbeat can be considered irregular based on: a racing heartbeat, a very slow heartbeat, a fluttering in the chest area, and or chest pain.

Other Heart Problem Symptoms:

As there are many different types of heart disease, the symptoms can vary. Symptoms associated with many different types of heart problems include: shortness of breath, fatigue, fainting, swelling of the legs, ankles, and feet, fever, a persistent, dry cough, and skin rashes.

If experiencing any of these heart problem symptoms, seek the help of a doctor immediately.

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Q: Symptoms of Heart Problems
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The most obvious symptom of heart problems is persistent or chronic pain in your chest. If that is something you experience you should seek medical help immediately. Other less obvious symptoms include shortness of breath, fainting, rapid weight gain, and loss of appetite.

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You should address this medical condition with your doctor. For more information about your heart palpitations visit

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Common Heart Problems and Their Symptoms?

Heart problems are big news in the media as of late but the term is a bit all-encompassing. There are a variety of heart problems that can affect the population. The important thing for the public at large is to be able to recognize the symptoms of some of the most common heart problems and to know what to do once those symptoms are recognized.Coronary Artery DiseaseCoronary artery disease is very often mistaken for heartburn. Chest pain (angina) is the most commonly recognized symptom of coronary artery disease though it is often attributed to indigestion. Here are other common symptoms of coronary artery disease:Irregular heartbeatDizzinessNauseaSweatingShortness of breathRapid heartbeatMyocaridal Infarction (Heart Attack)A heart attack is one of the most feared conditions of the heart. The symptoms of a true heart attack can last for 30 minutes or more and are not alleviated by household remedies or oral medications. These include:Irregular heartbeatIndigestionPressure or heaviness in the chest, arm or just below the breastboneSweatingNauseaDizzinessVomitingWeaknessAnxietyShortness of breathHeart Valve DiseaseSymptoms of heart valve disease include:Difficulty catching your breath, particularly after activity or when lying on your back.Chest discomfortWeaknessDizzinessIrregular heartbeatCardiomyopathy (Heart Muscle Disease)People may have cardiomyopathy and never know. Others may have symptoms that don't interfere with daily activities while still others may develop such severe symptoms that heart failure ensues. Symptoms of cardiomyopathy include:Chest pain during or after activitySwelling of the legs, knees, ankles or feetGeneral fatigueLoss of consciousness (fainting)Abnormal heart rhythmsWhile it is true that some people can have heart problems that don't restrict activity or impact their daily lives, any symptoms of heart disease should still be taken seriously. If you have any of these symptoms you should make an appointment with your physician for an examination, diagnosis and treatment. If you think that the symptoms you are experiencing could be that of a heart attack, immediately dial 911 (or 999 in the UK). Early intervention during a heart attack is imperative to your overall heart health and may be key in saving your life.