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The phrase diet foods needs a makeover. Diet foods should include anything that we know is healthy to eat in moderation. That includes protein and carbohydrates, both of which are sometimes thrown out of certain diet regimes. It shouldn't be that way. Instead, eat for color. Learn to love vegetables and fruits. You don't have to get fancy, either. Stick with the fruit and vegetables you grew up with if you want to. Just eat more of them. And eat them every single day, and on Sundays too. Also, don't be afraid to buy some ground beef and cook a hamburger at home. In fact, it's much better to do it that way than it is to eat Hamburgers at any restaurant, because you will be consuming less fat and calories when you do it that way.

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There are multiple websites that will give you tons of information on diet foods.,,20307363,00.html describes the foods you should not eat while trying to diet. this website gives you information on the foods that people enjoy while dieting and also supplies you with information on where to buy these diet food products.

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