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Starting a career as a pharmacy technician can be accomplished in several ways, depending on the requirements of your state. Many technician programs are available, but you only need to meet the qualifications of your state to get started. The most common routes to starting a career as a pharmacy technician are internships, college programs or national certification.

Some states do not require registration or licensure, while others require a specific training program or board-approved certification. A few states require an associate's degree. Basic state information is listed here: To ensure you have current information, verify the requirements with your state licensing board, usually found online through the occupational licensing department or the state pharmacy board.


If training is required, some states allow you to substitute an internship for formal coursework. Many people choose this option and prefer to learn on-the-job with the support of their co-workers. Many companies will also prepare you for certification, saving you both time and money.

Pharmacy Technician Schools

If your state requires training through an accredited program, be sure you enroll in a school listed on your state pharmacy board list of approved schools. Community colleges and technical schools typically have inexpensive training programs. Beware of online schools since many of them are not accredited and will not meet the requirements of your state.

Pharmacy technician programs will provide you with both pharmacy theory and a practical lab or externship. For many people, pharmacy math is the most demanding material, but you can take a math refresher course before beginning if your math skills are rusty.

National Certification

If your state has no required training hours, you may not need to pursue any specific education, however, certified pharmacy technicians are usually in high demand, and it would be worth your time to pursue national certification at some point in your career.

States that require national certification usually accept one of two programs: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or National Healthcare Association (NHA). When you pass either test, you will receive the title Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT).

Several options are available to help you pass the test. You can study on your own, take a course or complete an internship. If you choose to study on your own, both certification programs offer books and study materials. If you don't need an accredited course, online pharmacy technician courses can be an excellent way to prepare for the certification exam. Walgreens is one national chain that frequently hires technician interns and then provides study help to pass the certification exam.

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Becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

A pharmacy technician is responsible for helping licensed pharmacists and performing a variety of job duties within the pharmacy. For example, a pharmacy technician may count pills, label medication bottles and assist in the general preparation of medications. Pharmacy technicians may also perform administrative duties such as answering phones, operating cash registers and assisting patients. Pharmacy technicians might be required to fill out health insurance paperwork in addition to their other duties.They may work in retail stores, stand-alone pharmacies or hospitals. Some pharmacy technicians receive their training on the job, but other pharmacy technicians receive postsecondary training in community colleges or career schools.Many employers may prefer job candidates who have graduated from an accredited course in pharmacy technician training. Typical courses in a pharmacy technician program include pharmaceutical techniques, pharmacy recordkeeping, pharmaceutical and medical terminology, and pharmacy ethics and law.A program in a pharmacy technology would typically lead to an associate’s degree or career diploma, depending on the length of the program and the type of school the aspiring pharmacy technician attends. Pharmacy technician programs usually last between six months and two years. In contrast, on-the-job training may take between three months to a year.Those enrolled in a pharmacy technician program are also required to complete an internship in the field. Interns receive hands-on experience within the workplace. They serve as interns at pharmacies in order to gain real-world experience from licensed pharmacists and experienced pharmacy technicians. Under the supervision of experienced workers, they learn to properly dispense medications and perform typical job duties within the pharmacy.New pharmacy technicians may also choose to receive certification by completing a national exam created by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ICPT). This may enable them to appear more desirable to employers who are seeking entry-level pharmacy technicians. Pharmacy techs must apply for recertification every two years. The majority of states in the US also require that pharmacy technicians register with the State board of pharmacy.Working as a pharmacy technician allows a person to work in pharmacies under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Pharmacy technicians must be detail-oriented and feel comfortable working with other medical professionals. They must also possess the ability to offer exemplary customer service to patients. Whether you receive on-the-job training or attend a school that offers a pharmacy technician program, you will work in a career that positively affects the health of people in your community.

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How much does CVS pay certified pharmacy technicians in Georiga?

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Pharmacy Technician?

Working with a pharmacist, the pharmacy technician plays an important role. In most pharmacies, the tasks of receiving prescription requests, counting tablets, and labeling bottles, falls to the pharmacy technician. In some pharmacies, clerical duties may be the technician’s responsibility. He or she may answer the phone, stock the shelves, and operate the cash register. The duties of the pharmacy technician are regulated by each state. Quite popular today are mail-in pharmacies, and technicians employed by these agencies sometimes have an assortment of duties. Once they receive the written or electronic prescription request, they must confirm that the information is correct. They often count, weigh, and measure the correct amount of medication. Prescription labels are often prepared by pharmacy technicians. Record keeping duties may be assigned to the technician. In almost every instance, a registered pharmacist is responsible for verifying that the prescription is correctly filled and labeled. While there currently exist no standard training requirements for pharmacy technicians, many employers require at minimum a high school diploma. Many employers prefer to hire technicians with at least some education beyond high school. A variety of schools offer certificates in the field of pharmacy technician. Community colleges may offer an Associate’s degree. The certificated courses can usually be completed in three to nine months, while an Associate’s degree typically takes two years to complete. Certification is not currently required by any state, but several private organizations offer certifications. While this certification is not a criterion for employment, some employers may look favorably upon the applicant holding a certificate. Without any formal education, experience working with customers, using a cash register, and using a computer are essential skills. The large majority of pharmacy technicians work in retail stores. Hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation clinics provide employment for about 25% of the pharmacy technicians. The demand for this profession is expected to continue to rise for several years. The average hourly salary for a pharmacy technician is about $13.00. Working hours for these technicians are usually stable, and even in retail settings, a normal work week is about 40 hours. Overtime hours are not common.

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