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Coronary Heart disease can be caused by genetics, Diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and lifestyle choices. When the coronary arteries become damaged either by hardening or occlusion, it places individuals at risk for heart attack and stroke. When blood flow is impeded because of a blockage, it can cause a clot and subsequent cardiac or neurological event. Although coronary heart disease can cause significant detrimental effects on health, there are a number of effective treatments available to reduce the risk.

Lifestyle Changes

Smoking and obesity can contribute to coronary heart disease, and by avoiding smoking and losing weight, people can dramatically reduce their risks of heart attack and stroke. Obesity is also a contributing factor for elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, also risk factors for coronary heart disease. Not only does smoking contribute to coronary artery disease, it also has the potential to raise blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease in itself. Individuals should discuss smoking cessation techniques and weight management options with their health care providers to learn how they can real their goals.

Managing Chronic Medical Conditions

Effectively managing diabetes, blood pressure and blood lipids can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and may even slow its progression. Consuming a healthy diet, exercising and adhering to the physician's medication treatment plan are important components in the management of all three conditions. In addition, managing these conditions can also reduce the risk of renal insufficiency, which can also worsen heart disease.

Surgical Intervention

Sometimes, non-invasive methods of treating coronary heart disease are ineffective. In these situations, surgical intervention may be recommended. Common surgical interventions include the coronary artery bypass graft, or CABG. In this procedure, the occluded or damaged coronary artery is bypassed by using a healthy vein from another area in the body, commonly the leg. Another surgical procedure used in the treatment of heart disease includes balloon angioplasty. This procedure uses a balloon-tipped catheter, which is advanced through the femoral artery into the blocked coronary vessel. When the balloon reaches the offending area, it is then inflated. The inflation of the balloon presses the arterial debris against the walls of the vessel, providing a larger opening and restoring optimal blood flow.

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Q: Treatments For Coronary Heart Disease
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There are different signs of coronary heart disease such as heart pains or feelings of low blood pressure. Thoughts of this should be consulted with a doctor.