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Different Types of Birth ControlWhat are the different types of birth control?Some methods that do not require a prescription from your physician include the following:
  • abstinence - not having sexual intercourse.
  • spermicides - foams or creams placed inside the vagina to kill sperm;
  • male condoms - a thin tube made of latex, plastic, or a natural material that is placed over the penis. The sperm is collected in the end of the condom. Latex condoms may provide some protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • female condoms - a liner made of latex or natural material that is placed inside the vagina. Latex condoms may provide some protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • natural family planning - timing intercourse to avoid "fertile" days using various methods of monitoring body temperature, watching for changes in cervical mucus, and the use of ovulation prediction kits. This method, often known as the "rhythm" method, has a high risk for pregnancy.

Some methods that require a visit to your health care provider for an examination and a prescription include the following:

  • oral contraceptives (Birth Control pills) - medications taken daily that prevent ovulation by controlling pituitary hormone secretion. Usually, oral contraceptives contain the hormones estrogen and progestin.

    In addition to prevention of pregnancy, oral contraceptives have several health benefits including regulating menstrual cycles and decreasing the amount and length of menstrual periods. This can help increase iron stores in women with iron deficiency associated with excessive bleeding. Prevention of certain ovarian and endometrial cancers is a significant benefit of the use of oral contraceptives. Some research has found that some benign (non-cancerous) breast diseases, including fibroadenoma and cystic changes, occur less frequently with the use of oral contraceptives. Recent studies have also suggested that oral contraceptive use may reduce the occurrence of severe disabling rheumatoid arthritis.

  • mini-pill - unlike the traditional birth control pill, the mini-pill has only one hormone, progestin. Taken daily, the mini-pill thickens cervical mucus and prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. The mini-pill also can decrease the flow of your period and protect against PID and ovarian and endometrial cancer.
  • Nexplanon- capsule containing the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, implanted under the skin in the upper arm of a woman, which continuously prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg for up to three years. Local anesthesia (like novocaine at the dentist) is required for insertion and removal of this type of birth control.
  • Depo-Provera - a progesterone-like drug given by injection to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation. The effects last for about three months and another injection must be given to continue birth control effectiveness.
  • patch - this is a skin patch worn on the body that releases the hormones estrogen and progestin into the bloodstream. It is most effective in women who weigh less than 200 pounds.
  • diaphragm or cervical cap - a dome-shaped rubber cup with a flexible rim that is inserted through the vagina to cover the cervix. This type of birth control must be inserted prior to having sexual intercourse.
  • hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring - a ring that is placed inside the vagina . The ring releases the hormones estrogen and progestin.
  • intrauterine device (IUD) - devices placed in the uterus through the cervix by a physician. The IUD works by preventing an egg from being fertilized in the tubes or from attaching to the wall of the uterus. IUDs containing hormones must be replaced every five years, while copper IUDs can last up to 10 years.
  • nonsurgical sterilization - a thin tube is used to thread a tiny, spring-like device through the vagina to the uterus into each fallopian tube. A material in the device causes scar tissue to develop and permanently plug the tubes.

Birth control options range from abstinence to permanent surgical sterilization, but there are plenty of options in between. Condoms, spermacides, diaphragms birth control pills and patches, and the "morning after pill" require thought every day or every time. Depo-provera shots, implants, NuvaRing and IUDs can prevent pregnancy for months or even years at a time.

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13y ago

this ranges from the most effective to the least effective 1. abstinence 2. vasectomy for men, tying of fallopian tube for women

3. intrauterine device 4. injection 5. condoms 6. rhythmic method [ counting back 14 days to the first day of period] 7. withdrawal [ man pulls out just before ejaculating ]

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13y ago

Once a controversial subject, birth control is now widely accepted among nearly all members of society. Birth control in one form or another is available at the drug store, at community clinics, in bathroom vending machines, and at quite a few grocery and department stores. This is a great thing for those who want to be able to protect against unwanted pregnancies. However, for someone who has no knowledge on the subject, figuring out what form is the right one for them could become overwhelming.

The types of birth control that is available over the counter are used only once during intercourse. Condoms for both males and females, spermicide, and the sponge are all readily available over the counter. When used by themselves, these methods are more affective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases than they are at preventing pregnancy. They range in effectiveness from 71% (spermicides) to 85% (condoms).

There are forms of natural birth control that do not protect against STDs. These are best for monogamous couples who do not want to have children. The withdrawal method is when the male exits the female before ejaculation. This method is rarely effective, however, since sperm can find its way to the egg when it is released near the vagina as well as inside it. The rhythm method means the woman must track her cycle and she abstains from intercourse when she is ovulating.

Probably the most used contraceptives are the ones that are available by prescription only. The birth control pill contains a hormone or combination of hormones that interrupt the natural menstrual cycle. There are also contraceptive shots available by prescription. These shots are administered once every month or once every three month, depending on the hormone it contains. Prescription birth control is only available for women at this time and it is known to cause potentially serious side effects. On average, prescription birth control is over 99& effective in preventing pregnancy, though it will not protect from STDs. Women who elect to use these types of birth control should also use a condom to prevent any sexually transmitted disease.

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What are the types of birth control that are available without a prescription?

Not all types of birth control need a prescription. Condoms, female condoms, the birth control sponge, and spermicide are among them even though their controlling effects are somehow less than ones with a prescription.

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Birth control is what is used to prevent unintended pregnancy, there are multiple different types of birth control that work in different ways, it is ignorant to say 'birth control' to mean one specific type of birth control. Without knowing what type of birth control you're referring to we cannot answer your question - some birth control does absolutely nothing to your hormones, some birth control completely shuts down your hormones.

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no, no it can't.

Is birth control a form of contraception?

Yes, birth control is a form of contraception. I came across a website where you can get all information about different types of contraception or birth control options which can be used to prevent pregnancy. You can contact for more information.

What is the difference between birth control and contraceptives?

Birth control is a type of contraception (means for preventing pregnancy). Other types include condoms, spermicide, IUDs, etc.

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Birth control pills, Mirena (IUD), NuvaRing, DepoProvera, Implanon and the patch are all hormonal methods of birth control sold in the US. There is another injection available in some other countries, as well.

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I have been on seven different types of birth control and with every one that I take my mouth and tongue swell up and go numb. The Doctors have concluded that I am having an allergic reaction to my birth control. I have been on seven different types of birth control and with every one that I take my mouth and tongue swell up and go numb. The Doctors have concluded that I am having an allergic reaction to my birth control.

Where can I find reliable information on various birth control methods?

There are many great sites that explain the pros and cons of different types of birth control. Try or the American Pregnancy Association at Your local Plant Parenthood Center offers up to date information on various types of birth control. You can search for a local health center location by zip code at: The Website also offers birth control information.

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1,internal control i,ewhen looking at the managing systems in the business and auditing 2,birth control i.emethods of preventing to conceive or bearing