

what's the temperature of Jupiter

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Jupiter has a vast range of temperatures, and there is no definable surface within the dense atmosphere.

The outermost cloud layers are exposed to the near-absolute-zero temperatures of space, while the core of the planet has high temperatures because of the intense pressure of the atmosphere planet bearing down at it. At the cloud tops, the temperature of Jupiter is thought to be as low as -161° C (112 K). Deeper into the atmosphere, temperatures increase to as high as 36000° near the rocky core.
Jupiter's temperature ranges from -234o_ 17,540.33oF.
-166 degrees Fahrenheit.
-230 degrees Fahrenheit

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Gillian Watsica

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The surface temperature of Jupiter is about - 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

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The lowest temperature on Jupiter is 234.43 degrees

Is Jupiter's temperature ferienheight or Celsius?

When we measure Jupiter's temperature, we can describe it either way.

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What is the surface temperature on Jupiter?

Jupiter is a very cold planet. It has an average surface temperature of around -234 degrees Fahrenheit. Jupiter's temperature depends on the temperature on the inside of the planet, not by its distance from the sun.

What is the higest temperature on Jupiter?

The highest temperature ever recorded in Jupiter was about 980 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why is the temperature on earth warmer than the temperature onon Jupiter?

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