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Q: What animal eats grass silage supplement wheat and molasses?
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Why do people often use a silage?

Silage is a type of fermented stored animal fodder that is used to feed cows and sheep. It is used by farmers because the fermenting process gives the fodder a nutritional benefit over hay or grass.

What is fodder grass?

Fodder is just another term for animal feed or feedstuffs. Fodder can also be called forage, grain, hay, silage, etc.

What is the diet of a sheep?

Water, grass, hay, silage and grain

How much beef nut to feed cow?

None. Cows eat grass, hay, silage and grain, not any sort of animal meat like "beef nut."

Do cows eat everything?

No. Cows are herbivores, meaning that they are strictly plant-eating animals, not omnivores nor carnivores. Cows eat grass, hay and silage and should eat just grass, hay and silage.

What does a male sheep eat?

The same as female sheep - grass, hay, silage and grain

How does a black angus cow obtain energy?

From the grass, hay, grain or silage she consumes.

What are 3 types of feeds that are most beneficial to ruminants?

Hay, grass, grain and/or silage.

What does cow energy intake come from?

The feed it eats (grass, hay, grain, silage). Grain and silage is higher in energy (in the form of fats) than other feed sources.

What is a Belgian blue cows diet?

Same as any bovine: grass, hay, silage, grain, etc.

Do cows chew spit?

No. They chew partly digested forage (like grass, hay and silage), not "spit."

What is the second mowing of grass called?

Mowed grass does not technically have a name. i looked in my SCIENCE :) book and it said mowed grass can be called nature's shreds. Answer Mowed grass in an agricultural sense is either hay or silage.