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Q: What are the names of all straits in Italy?
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What are the names of all the straits in Canada?

well to say two straits are Hudson strait and Davis strait

What are the straits in Europe?

Are you referring to the "Straits of Gibraltar". There's also the straits of Messina in Italy.

What are the names of the major straits in the world?

palk strait $ straits of mackinac

What are the names of all the Dire Straits albums?

* Dire Straits * Communiqué * Making Movies * Love Over Gold * Brothers in Arms * On Every Street Wikipedia has their discography posted. Need a link? You got it.

What are the names of 124 straits in the world?

ytyyu strait and get the hell out

Can you give me all of the famous band names that start with d?

debarge def leppard depeche mode dire straits dixie chicks

What are the names of straits in Southern Africa?

i don't know, but I'll find out... when i feel like it.

What are the names of all the little countries between Italy and Romania?

Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia

What city overloks the Straits of Gibraltar?

Gibraltar itself, Tarifa, Ceuta, and Melilla Spain, and Tangier Morocco are all on the Straits.

What are some of the names Italy has been known by in the past?

kingdom of italy

What are the four names of bodies of water that touches Florida?

The Gulf of Mexico, The Atlantic Ocean, The Caribbean Sea, and the Straits of Florda

What is the names of the rivers in Italy?
