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The heartburn diet is a diet that lists the foods you should eat and the foods you should avoid if you have trouble with acid reflux/heartburn. An example of some foods you would eat on this diet are: Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Egg Whites. You can read more on this diet here :

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Will the reflux diet help reduce heartburn?

The reflux diet will help reduce heartburn. However, it is always good to try other diets if this reflux diet does not work. It is easy to reduce heartburn if you have a healthy diet.

What is a good diet to follow to control heartburn? has a whole section for heartburn, which includes information about diets for minimizing heartburn.WebMD has a good list of foods that trigger heartburn, and you can extrapolate a diet based on that information.

Are there effective heartburn diets?

There is a diet to avoid heartburn and it is called the Acid Reflux Diet. It is effective because while on the diet, you are simply avoiding the foods that cause your heartburn, and eat the foods that are 'safe'. Here is a chart that will get you more familiar with the diet :

What is a good diet to follow if one has heartburn a lot?

There are a lot of theories as to why people have heartburn, the persons body type and genetics, as well as many other factors play a roll. What is known, is that foods high in fat, as well as most soft drinks affect people with heartburn in a negative way. So any diet that avoids fatty foods and soda, is a good diet for someone who has heartburn a lot.

Is there a safe and health diet for someone with heartburn?

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your acid reflux diet, it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that have little or no potential for causing heartburn.

What are the symptoms of heartburn and best diet to have to prevent it?

The symptoms of heartburn are a burning sensation in your chest , sometimes you feel like vomiting. Regulate your diet and do not drink alcohol and this should help stop acid reflux.

Where can I find tips on preventing heartburn with diet changes?

There are many places to find information and tips on preventing heartburn such as a doctor and the internet. I recommend searching for heartburn as they have detailed information and tips on the subject.

what is an reflux diet to follow?

It's a diet that is based on lowering your chances of getting heartburn from things you eat. You can learn more information at Apples, bananas, carrots, and broccoli are all good choices that will not cause heartburn.

Preventing heartburn through diet?

I get bad heartburn alot likely 4 days of out 7 days, i use tums peppermint dissovable and they work fast and zantac but they are expensive to buy. I found my heartburn comes after alot of greasy food in diet and have notice big difference after eating alot of greens.

Can a gluten allergy cause heartburn?

Definitely. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with celiac and went on a gluten free diet that the heartburn finally went away. It was a miracle after years of misery.

How can I stop getting heartburn and is there a diet I should be taking?

Don't eat spicy! Spicy foods will only cause more heartburn. Junk food will also cause heartburn so try to limit your junk intake and you should feel better.

Are there any foods that can decrease heartburn?

While there aren't any foods that can prevent heartburn, you can try avoiding foods that cause heartburn. Stay away from spicy and 'heavy' foods to stop it from coming.