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Such a phenomenon is referred to as a pyroclastic flow.

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Q: What flow is a mix of gas and dust emitted by a volcano that is so dense that it hugs the ground?
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What is volcano dust?

The "dust" from a volcano, more properly called ash, consists of tiny pieces of rock and glass blasted out when a volcano erupts explosively.

How can you keep from breathing the dust after a volcano eruption?

Wear a dust mask

What is the purpose of ash and dust from a volcano?

Ash and dust have no propuse, but the ash and dust comes from parts of the mantle that were not fully melted, or if the volcano caved in at any one point in time.

Is sawmill dust a primary pollutant?

Yes it is emitted directly from the milling.

Why does dust float?

Dust floats in water because it is less dense than the water.

Is Jupiter's red spot caused by a large volcano?

No it is caused bya dust storm it is NOT a volcano

What you call a volcano which can still erupt hot lava hot gases and dust?

An "Active" volcano.

Why is there a greater risk of explosion with dust in the air rather than dust on ground?

There is a greater risk of explosion with dust in the air rather than dust on ground. This due to the fact that dust combusts quickly and air supports combustion while the ground does not.

How can dust from a volcano be harmful?

It contains toxins that are harmful to lungs.

How is ash different from ordinary household dust?

ash comes from a volcano while household dust comes from a house.

Why is there a greater risk of explosion with dust in the air than with dust on the ground?

Cause dust can combust real fast and air supports burning the ground doesn't

How does a volcano change the earth's atmosphere?

Volcanic eruptions pump out dust, ash and other aerosols. These stay in the atmosphere for about a week, usually causing a cooling effect, as they reflect the sun's rays. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted is small compared with what comes from burning fossil fuels.