

what is Deformation energy?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is Deformation energy?
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What is the source of elastic?

Mechanical energy (that causes the elastic deformation).

What type of energy builds up as a result of the deformation in the lithosphere?

This is a form of potential energy known as elastic strain energy.

Definition of spring energy?

Potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring.

A pole -vaulter first converts kinetic energy into?

Elastic Potential Energy

What two factors affect the amount of elastic potential energy and how do they affect it?

Mainly, what much energy of other types was converted to elastic energy. For example: if a ball falls from a certain height, and assuming a perfect bounce and no air resistance, all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the ball falls down, which in turn is converted to elastic energy when it hits the floor. Then the elastic energy is converted back into kinetic energy, as the ball bounces back up.

What kind of deformation leads to deformation?

elastic deformation

What are the types of rock deformation?

elastic deformation, ductile deformation and fracture

What is elastic deformation?

Elastic deformation is recoverable deformation. As such, when the load that caused the deformation is removed the material will return to it's original shape.

Which is not a form of rock deformation?

ductile deformation

What kind of collision does not conserve kinetic energy?

Usually all types of collisions, except for elastic collisions, as kinetic energy is usually lost as from deformation, heat, sound, etc.

What is cold plastic deformation?

it is deformation below recrystalization temperature.

What is anelastic deformation?

Anelastic deformation. Deformation processes where a material assumes its original shape after the load is removed, but with a time delay.