

what is defence administration?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is defence administration?
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Are cabinet minister and defence minister one and the same?

No.Cabinet ministers are the council of ministers which assist the prime minister in the administration including ministers from all posts and offices while defence minister is the individual minister in the cabinet which looks after the field of defence of the country.

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Yes they did. But, in defence of the Obama Administration (you can't know how it pains me to say those words) it is normal to train with the same ammunition that they are issued to carry.

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400,000 military (soldiers, seamen and airmen and counted as being employed by the MoD) and 80,000 civilian employees (who do the administration)

What are the responsibility of the Defence Ministers?

A defence minister is responsible for the administration of the armed forces, planning and preparation to defend against possible attack on the country, and planning and preparation to execute possible attack on foreign countries if the executive office decides it is necessary to initiate such an attacks.

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A defence minister is responsible for the administration of the armed forces, planning and preparation to defend against possible attack on the country, and planning and preparation to execute possible attack on foreign countries if the executive office decides it is necessary to initiate such an attacks.

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They are Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence and Phschological Defence.

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military defence, civil defence, economic defence, social defence and psychological defence

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Social Defence Phsycological Defence Physical Defence Civil Defence im not sure what the other one is

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Here are the stats for the melee: Helmet: -5 magic attack and -2 range attack. 47 stab defence, 49 slash defence, 43 crush defence, -3 magic defence, and 48 ranged defence, and 12 summoning defence. Platebody: -20 magic attack. 92 stab defence, 108 slash defence, and 113 crush defence. -4 magic defence and 97 ranged defence, and 52 summoning defence. Platelegs: -25 magic attack and -2 ranged attack. 78 stab defence, 76 slash defence, and 83 crush defence. -5 mage defence and 75 ranged defence, and 25 summoning defence. Kiteshield: -10 magic attack and -4 ranged attack. 63 stab defence, 65 slash defence, 61 crush defence, -3 magic defence, 63 ranged defence, and 60 summoning defence.

Is NASA part of DOD?

No, NASA is not part of the Department of Defense (DOD). NASA is a civilian space agency responsible for the United States' civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. The DOD is a separate federal department responsible for the military of the United States.

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Shuckle, it has the highest defence and the highest special defence.

What is the responsibility of defence minister?

A defence minister holds an office equivalent to that of the U.S. secretary of defense. Until the end of World War II, that office in the U.S. was named the secretary of war. A defence minister or a secretary of defense is responsible for the administration of the armed forces, planning and preparation to defend against possible attack on the country, and planning and preparation to execute possible attack on foreign countries if the executive office decides it is necessary to initiate such an attack.