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The difference between a regular military school and private military school is that a private military school is more expensive than a regular military school.

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Q: What is private military school?
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Why is Military School important?

The difference between a regular military school and private military school is that a private military school is more expensive than a regular military school.

What type of school is University?

Norwich University is a Private Military College, but also serves normal students.

What are the chances that my son will get injured in a military school for boys?

The chances of being injured at military school are no different than the chances of being injured at public or private school. The school takes measures to insure the safety of its students. Accidents happen anywhere.

Is Donald Trump qualified for a military burial after attending a military academy but no military service to America?

Being that it's a private boarding school and not actually the U.S. Military, Trump is a civilian and NOT eligible for military honors and burial.

Locations of private military schools.?

All military schools are private in that they are not government funded in the traditional way that public schools are. There are military boarding schools for younger kids through high school age, and there are military colleges/universities. A list of boarding schools: AND colleges: They are located throughout the country.

Information on private military school.?

In order to find the military schools' locations, please refer to 7-12 aged children are enrolled for elementary military school. No I do not think that you are a bad mother. Military education is fine in all respects.

What type of school is Norwich University?

Norwich University is a Private Military College, but also serves normal students.

Is Harvard a public or private school?

Harvard is a private school.

Are there free military schools for rotten daughters?

There are two way that military school could be free for your daughter. The first is that there are a number of public military schools available. Grant's scholarships and financial aid can make a private military school free. If you have a relative working there right away you get a break on tuition.

What's the difference between military school and boot camp?

A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.

Is Notre Dame a private school?

yes it is a private school yes it is a private school

Is KU a private school?

No it is not a private school.