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In the process of deciding on the best cordless lawn trimmer for your needs, you should ask several questions. Why do you need the trimmer? How intensely do you expect to use your lawn trimmer? How important is ease of use versus power and performance? Answering these questions takes you a long way towards making the right purchasing decision.

Cutting grass with gas

Gas-powered lawn trimmers have the advantage in power over their battery powered brethren. They require no cords, but you must consider fuel cost and their weight before buying one. If gasoline costs more than electricity in your neck of the woods, a battery operated trimmer may save money in the long run. However, the professional landscaper, or amateur with heavy brush to cut, should usually opt for the the gas trimmer.

Battery-powered trimmers

Battery-powered trimmers differ greatly in power and weight. The battery packs offered range between 12 and 36 volts. The lower end of this range is appropriate for light trimming in a small yard. If you prefer a battery-powered trimmer, but want close to gasoline engine performance, invest in a trimmer with a 36 volt power pack.

If you have Fencing, consider a lawn trimmer with an edging option. Trimmers with edgers give the user a handy guide wheel that rests against the fence, keeping your line straight. Other things to think about

Other considerations when selecting your lawn trimmer include the number of strings and the cutting speeds available. A trimmer with two strings cuts more efficiently than one with a single cutting string. Most trimmers also provide a range of cutting speeds. If you expect hardy weeds, a variable speed trigger might make your trimming easier.

The best cordless lawn trimmer for you is a matter of preference and need. The lighter the work, the lighter and more affordable the trimmer you should buy.

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A light and cordless hedge trimmer would be best for a woman of petite stature. The Earthwise 20-inch cordless hedge trimmer would work great in this situation.

Will the company provide instructions with the cordless string trimmer?

Yes, the companies give detailed instructions with the cordless string trimmer. They will give detailed manual for using the cordless string trimmer. If they dont any manuals, you can find the instructions in thier company website. Earthwise and Black & Decker provide instructions with the cordless string trimmer. You can read more about them at

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One of the best weed trimmers available is the Black & Decker CST800 12V 8" Cordless String Trimmer. If yo want a professional grade gas trimer then try Husqvarna 28 cc Full Crank Gas Straight Shaft String Trimmer

What is the average time that a cordless trimmer will operate?

The average time a cordless trimmer will operate is about thirty minutes. Of course, this depends on the size of the trimmer compared to the size of its battery, or even the amount of work it has to weed through.

Who makes a cordless trimmer for shearing hedges?

Black and Decker makes a cordless hedge trimmer and their models are the most highly recommended by consumers and consumer organizations. You can see the models they offer at Another brand of cordless hedge trimmer is Worx.

Is there such a thing as a cordless and string-less trimmer?

Sure. They have cordless trimmers that will accept a blade type of cutting head. You would be cordless and stringless then.

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When trimming a beard, the cord can often get tangled. Another problem with having a cord on a beard trimmer is the cord may not be long enough to comfortably reach from the socket to the mirror. A cordless beard trimmer eliminates both of these problems.

Cordless Lawn Mower?

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