

what is the definition of suicide?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Suicide is often committed out of despair, the cause of which is frequently attributed to a mental disorder such as depression, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alcoholism, or drug abuse.

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Q: What is the definition of suicide?
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suicide is the killing of oneself and homicide is the killing of man (homosapiens) you cannot, by definition, commit homicide by suicide

What is the definition of suicide in slang?

In contemporary slang, to say a person committed suicide is to say he "offed himself".

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Suicide is not a disease and cannot be caught or transmitted. Suicide, by definition, is just the act of killing oneself for any reason whatsoever. It's an action- to commit suicide- not something you get.

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Once the person is dead, there will be no criminal charges. So by definition, someone that commits suicide cannot be charged.

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There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.

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DNR, or do not resuscitate, is usually a choice made by someone who is very ill. It is a contract that states if a medical crisis presents itself, they would like to let nature take its course and not use medical technology to prolong an inevitable death. This is not the definition of suicide; suicide is a deliberate act and is not seen as a natural progression.

A brief definition of homicide?

A homicide is a death that can't be ruled as natural causes, an accident or a suicide. An act of unlawfully killing another person, by accident or design.

Is kiLling onE's self a murder or suicide?

I'd imagine that to kill one's self would be suicide. Even if one were speaking philisophically, the death of one's conciousness or physical being by that same person would fit the definition of "suicide" and not "murder," which is to kill another living thing. Unless the person in question is somehow separate from their physical body or conciousness (and I don't see how that's possible), it would be suicide in any way.

How many died in the year 2010 because of bullying?

well there is no direct statistic because deaths related to bullying is classified as suicide and bullying by definition isn't murder

Can friends cause suicide?

No. Suicide is 100% the decision of the suicide victim.

What does tantamount to suicide mean?

Tantamount to suicide means equivalent to suicide.