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Q: What is the rock layer contains the oldest fossils?
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How are fossils related to science?

because it has to do with layers of sedimentary rock; piles of rock get stacked upon fossils which means the bottom layer with the fossils is oldest since it was there 1st

Which example describes method of relative dating?

using fossils to determine the oldest rock layer in a canyon

Where can you find the oldest fossils in sedimentary rock layers?

It would be found in the lower layers, rather that younger fossils which are found in the upper layers. ♥

Where are the oldest organisms located in the rock layer?

In the geological column , scientists have learned that rocks are stacked in layers. The oldest fossils are located in the deepest layers, a vertical timeline.

What do geologist use index fossils for?

to date a rock layer and other fossils within that layer

What type of rock must the rock layer be if it contains clam fossils?

It would necessarily be sedimentary rock, formed in a saltwater or freshwater environment, depending on the type of clam.

Which kind of rock has fossils?

layer rocks

Are index fossils short lived?

studyisland awnser: to date a rock layer and other fossils within that layer

If the remains of a plant between a rock layer contains 400 million year old phacops fossils and a rock layer contains 230 million year tropites how old is the plant?

You may have to add. Although you need to put a specific label. Do the work :D

What type of rock is the only rock that contains fossils?


Dating technique involving compraring fossils in rock layers?

Relative dating-comparing fossils related to how old other fossils are in the same sample of rock. If the rock has been undisturbed, the oldest rock will be at the bottom, therefore, the oldest fossils will also be at the bottom. the youngest rock will be at the top, therefore, the youngest fossils will be at the top. Absolute Dating-When you can figure out through testing the exact age of the fossil

Which rock layer is the oldest and why?

the bottom one