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Q: What organ system releases hormones that control growth and development?
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What releases your growth hormones?

Your pituitary gland.

What structures produce hormones?

what structures produces hormmones

What structure releases hormones that regulate secondary sex characteristics?

gonadotrophins, glucocorticoidsand growth hormones

What plant hormone is responsible for most tropisms?

Gibberellins are growth hormones that control plant height and bud development.

What regulates plant growth and development?


What effects do hormones have within a growing plant?

they control a plant's patterns of growth and development, and the plant's responses to environmental conditions.

What hormones promote bone and muscle healing?

hormones respnsoble for growth and development

What does the pituitary gland of the brain do?

The Pituitary gland sends electrical impulses through your body's nervous system that stimutates the production of hormones, specifically growth hormones and reproductive hormones such as estrogen and Testosterone.

How is chemistry related to neonatology?

Growth factors and hormones are very important to the development of a fetus. Growth factors and hormones are chemicals. Fetuses are made of chemicals.

What forms hormones which act as chemical regulators for growth and development?

the hormones are form from the organs and are passed by ducts (in some cases only.Eg-pancreas) into parts of the body and act chemically in growth and development in the body

What can plant hormones be characterized by?

They may act by altering gene expression. They have a multiplicity of effects. They control plant growth and development and they affect division, elongation and differentiation of cells.

Function of the adrenal glands?

Produce numerous hormones that impact our development and growth, affect our ability to deal with stress, and help to regulate kidney function.