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Q: What should nurse do if patient is having trouble swallowing pills or tablets?
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Is it ok to chop up adderall and put it in a blunt?

The only two reasons to really crush Adderal is because the patient is having trouble swallowing, or because it is being snorted for a high. If the patient is having trouble swallowing, there can be some other things going on. Instead of just crushing the tablets, the primary care physician should be consulted to make sure there is not a more serious underlying condition. They may also be able to switch the patient from a tablet to a capsule. If the Adderal is being snorted for a high, even with a prescription, it is an illegal activity. Information on this will not be provided.

If you chop antibiotics up in food do they still work?

If you are having problems with swallowing tablets, ask the doctor who prescribed them if she will prescribe a liquid. Some can only be taken in whole tablet form.

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Thrush is caused by an over production of the bodies natural bacteria usually do to dietary problems. Symptoms include ulcers and a sensation of having trouble swallowing food.

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chewacal tablets for children having age 6 years and not growing and having week bones

Inspiration not equal to expiration?

Inspiration should equal to expiration;IE ratio and IT , inspiration equals tidal volume. It means that the patient is having trouble breathing.

I have problem swallowing, what Dr should I see?

Hey, If you are having difficulty swallowing, you should see an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose and throat specialist). This specialist can help you treat conditions related to swallowing.

What is impaired glottal reflexes?

Glottal reflexes are the ones we use for swallowing. If these are impaired it would mean that the person is having difficulty in swallowing food.

What are the implications of not having an interpreter?

By not having or using an interpreter you can end up having miscommunication between you and the patient causing the patient harm.

If a victim is having a grand mal seizure do you place a blunt object in their mouth?

No. A person who is having a seizure might not have control of his mouth, throat or swallowing functions and might swallow it. There is also the danger of them biting on the object and doing damage to themselves, like breaking teeth or swallowing a broken part of the item. Despite the common misconception, a person cannot swallow their tongue. The tongue can roll back a bit, but this is a natural occurrence and poses no threat to breathing. So putting something into their mouth is not going to achieve anything.