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Q: What woman was upset when Jesus tomb was empty?
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Who was the first person to find the tomb empty and went in to see jesus was'nt there?

She was Maria Magdelena who found the tomb of JESUS empty and then went to the disciples to tell them that she didn't find JESUS in the tomb.

Who was the woman who discovered the empty tomb of Jesus?

Mary Magdalene was the woman who discovered the empty tomb of Jesus according to the Bible. She went to the tomb early in the morning after Jesus' crucifixion and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty, leading to the belief in Jesus' resurrection.

Was Jesus' tomb really empty?

Yes. On the third day after his crucifixion, he rose again, and left the tomb. So it was empty :)

What are proofs of jesus' resurrection?

The empty tomb is the proof as well as easter.

Who was the first MAN to find Jesus' empty tomb?

The gospel of Luke says that it was Peter who went first to the tomb.

How did the disciples respond to the world of the women about the empty tomb and the rising of Jesus?

After Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty, she told the disciples , who then came running to the tomb to see for themselves.

After three days in the tomb jesus rose from the dead?

Yes on the third day Jesus did arise from the dead , just as Jesus said he would, and also as it was told by the prophet.

Who anoninted Jesus at the tomb?

Jesus was not in the tomb he had risen.

Is veronica the same person as Mary magdalene?

No, Veronica and Mary Magdalene are two different individuals in Christian tradition. Veronica is a woman who, according to tradition, wiped the face of Jesus on the way to the crucifixion. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus known for her presence at the crucifixion and discovery of the empty tomb after Jesus' resurrection.

Where in John does it tell where the found the tomb empty?

In the 20th chapter of John it tells of the empty tomb.

How do you draw the resurrection of Jesus?

It's impossible. To draw him you have to see him first and no one can see the face of God and live.

When was The Jesus Family Tomb created?

The Jesus Family Tomb was created in 2007.