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Millions of people every year find that someone stole their identities. Identity theft is a serious problem, and the incidents of theft significantly increased in the last few years. If you were the victim of theft, you need legal help to get your life back on track.

Why Identity Theft Occurs

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your identity in illegal ways. You might find that someone opened several bank accounts in your name and each account is overdrawn. The person can also steal your identity and open credit cards in your name. The individual uses those credit cards to make large purchases, including expensive electronics. Some identity thefts even purchase cars, get jobs and live a new life under your name.

Identity theft occurs because someone has access to your personal information. Every time you throw away a credit card statement, mortgage bill or other bills, you leave yourself open to thieves. Someone can get your name, address and even your social security number from those bills, which is why experts suggest that you shred any documents you place in the trash. Thieves can also get your information online. If you had any legal problems in the past, the thief can often find your social security number and other personal information from the legal documents posted online. Some thieves even steal bank account numbers when you make purchases from an unsecured website.

What Happens Next

Unless you monitor your credit report regularly, you might not realize that you have a problem. Once a thief defaults on a purchase made in your name, you start getting bills from the company. In some cases, the thief uses another address. You do not learn of the problem until you try to get a loan or open a line of credit. Bill collectors can also call your home, work or cell phone and send letters about the bill owed.

Getting Legal Help

When you realize that you were the victim of identity theft, you should contact a lawyer immediately. It is possible that the legal system believes you were the person making those purchases. A lawyer can help you clear your name, remove those debts from your credit report and even prosecute the person who stole your identity. Working with an attorney makes the process easier because the attorney can handle the legwork. Your attorney wants to help you take back your identity.

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yes it would help to take certain measure and educated young adult about identity theft

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You always want to shred old paycheck stubs and set up a identity theft alert account to help monitor and alert you if someone tries to steal your identity.

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An identity theft attorney can help to clear one's name should their identity ever be stolen. Having your identity stolen can be a lengthy process. An attorney will help provide the necessary information and steps that need to be taken to ensure you are not held responsible for any crimes committed by the imposter.

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The best wholesale fraud assurance administrations are here to help your family stay protected from misrepresentation, and to help you fix the harm, if the most noticeably awful occurs. Copy the link below and remove space. ht tps : / / yazing . com /deals/lifelock/Opportunities

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What could be the possible steps the government should do to prevent or avoid business identity theft issues?

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Is Identity theft and mistaken identity the same thing?

Simply put, Identity Theft is where someone attempts (or succeeds) to use your identity to commit fraudulent acts. A couple of examples are to set up a credit cars account or taking out a loan. Once they succeed in getting the funds, they leave you with the bill. Mistaken Identity is where someone is mistakenly believes someone else is you. This normally is not from malicious intent and normally no money changes hands. If you are having problems with identity theft - go to - That site can help determine who exactly a person is.