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Q: Where do the neurons pass?
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What is the majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons?

The motor neuron is the final common pathway for all neurons to travel to complete their synapse. Afferent neurons or unipolar neurons all pass through the cord and brain on this journey.

What cells are able to pass messages back and forth?

The cells that are able to pass messages back and fourth are called neurons. These neurons are found in the brain.

What does a interconnecting neurone do?

Are the nuerones that pass nerve impulses from sensory neurons to the motor neurons.

What is the small space between neurons where impulses pass?


What part of the part does all neurons pass through?

The brain stem.

These cells are able to pass messages back and forth?

Nerve cells are able to pass messages back and forth. There are three types of nerve cells in humans, motor neurons, interneurons and sensory neurons.

How many functions of neurons in the nervous system?

Neurons are pathways for electrical messages to pass through. Their main function is to pass a message from one neuron to another. As a whole, they transmit these messages between a receptor (something that picks up a stimulus. A stimulus includes things such as temperature, pressure, pain etc.), the brain and an effector (something which carries out the response to the stimulus). There are three main types of neurons: Sensory neurons - receive message from receptor and transmit it to the -> Interneurons - receive message from sensory neurons and pass it on to the brain*. The brain responds and the interneurons pass the message on to the -> Motor neurons - receive message from interneurons and pass it on to an effector. *In the case of a reflex arc, where there is an unconscious response (e.g. touching a hot object) the message will bypass the brain and go straight from receptor to sensory to interneuron to motor to effector.

What is the space between neurons across which chemical messages pass?

synaptic gap

What are relay neurons?

An interneuron (also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) is a neuron that forms a connection between other neurons. Interneurons are neither motor nor sensory.

Which neuron receives information?

actually we must say all neurons receive information. there are three types of neurons: 1.sensory neuron 2.motor neuron 3.relay neuron the sensory neurons receive information from receptor cells in sense organs and pass the information from sensory neuron to the other and pass the info to spinal cord where they are received by relay neuron. this neuron in turn passes the info to motor neurons which pass the info to cells in effectors and action is performed.relay neurons are messengers between sensory neuron and motor neuron in spinal cord.

Which bulb-shaped structures found at the end of neurons form connections with the dendrites and somas of other neurons and allow information to pass from neuron to neuron?

Axon Terminals

7 What are the evolutionary advantages achieved by the myelination of neurons?

Attack and escape. Myelinated neurons allow faster reflexes increasing chance of survival, which allows you to pass your genes on to your offspring.