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There are several factors contributing to this. # People want the easy way and simply won't go the hard way. # The less healthy the food becomes, the better tasting it usually is. # Healthier food is not always processed food and is harder to access at times.

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12y ago

Fast food is easy, cheap and quick. It is bad for anyone who consumes it but it is easy to get and fast so we are not having to cook after a long day at work. Not realizing what you are consuming each meal is bad. Sitting still is bad. Get up and move.

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Q: Why is it so hard to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight?
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What does healthy food do to the body?

Healthy food does what it says, keeps the body healthy along with other things such as helping you lose and maintain your weight

Do physical activity and food intake determine body weight?

Yes It determines your body weight. You need physical activity to maintain a healthy life. You should eat healthy as well to maintain.~ Keeanna

Why is it important to have a healthy diet?

A healthy diet is important to maintain your overall health and body weight. When you eat healthy you look and feel your best.

What does mean being healthy?

Being healthy means good body muscles and healthy diet. A healthy person is the one who has the idea weight as per his weight and he takes balanced diet to maintain his weight.

Will a food calorie chart of healthy foods help you lose and maintain a healthy weight?

Well, a food calorie chart of all the healthy foods a person should intake daily can really help them lose and maintain a healthy weight. That way, the body gets a variety of nutrients.

How does behavior modification help you maintain a healthy body weight?

Being in a healthy state of mind can help you to stay the same weight often times when you'r stressed out it can even make you loose weight

The Effect of Exercise on Human Body?

It strengthens your muscles, helps maintain a healthy weight, helps prevent obesity and keep body systems healthy.

Is Dan Wheeler ill or just losing weight?

I beleive that DAN has been working out to maintain a good healthy body.

What is aneroexia?

Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Very dangerous health condition.

What to do to maintain a healthy body?

Healthy food, regular excercise.

Are weight loss supplements a healthy aide to bodybuilding?

Weight loss products are not a viable supplement for bodybuilding. When you body build you want to bulk up and will need more calories to maintain healthy muscle mass.