

Best Answer

Currently the website is rating the usinversity of Pennsylvania as number 1 for business and number 4 overall. Check out the ratings on the website.

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Q: What is the best college for business majors?
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What are the best business account software options available?

The best business account software options available are Sage Peachtree Accounting, QuickBooks Pro,and Bookkeeper. All three types of business software have the highest ratings and are all up to date for 2011. If you are in college or are affiliated with a business check through the school or business to see if you can receive a discount on the software.

What are the best business accounting software for a new business owner?

The "best" business account software depends on personal preference. Some popular options that can handle business needs are QuickBooks Pro, Bookkeeper, and Freshbooks.

Is business accounting the best business?

There is no such thing as a best business. The question should be, which type of business is the best business for you (if you are interested in business). Your choice of career should be based on a passion for what you want to do. You must acquire a vision; A clearly articulated picture of the future you intend to create for yourself. It should be very specific. Once you have that vision, your path to achieve your career goals and objectives will become clear.

Which is the best payroll software for a small business?

The best payroll software for a small business would depend on the preference of the business owner. Many companies offer software packages for small businesses including Paychex, ADP, and Intuit. The owner should research these and other packages to see which would be the best for their business.

What types of programs are offered on business laptop?

There are many online colleges that offer business courses that you can access with your laptop. Sanford Brown Business college is one of them. Use your laptop to research online courses.

Related questions

What are some of the best college majors for a career?

To decide which college major is best for a career is difficult because there are many career choices available. For example, computer science, nursing and business are all very popular.

What are the best workers for factoring companies?

The best workers for factoring companies are applicants with college degrees and business majors. Factoring is a complex financial job that requires good training.

What are the suggested college majors or college degrees for a CEO?

Business, Finance, Accounting, depending upon what you want to specialize or focus on.

How many majors does cal state Fullerton have?

The percise number of the emc squared equals the density of the nuclear fusion of the Orion nebula divided by pi squared, which will give you your answer of how many majors there are. Your welcome.

Which post-secondary school would be the best choice if you wanted to explore college majors and career paths?

community college

Do college have majors for communication?

Yes, there are communication majors.

List of college majors?

Criminal justice, nursing, and engineering are common college majors. Also, psychology, sociology, arts, and dance are other common college majors.

What the are the top college degrees?

Review a list of best college degrees by salary potential. See the top 10 best paying college degrees and a survey on the best college degrees. Research the best colleges and degrees by salary potential. Analyze the best college majors, best college rankings and best college degrees by salary.

What is a good college major or job for someone who loves to volunteer?

One of the best majors for someone who enjoys volunteering and is also a very good leader is a Business Major. This way you can come up with your own business and focus on volunteering in an area that interests you most :)

How much do business majors make?

The average wage made by many business majors depends on where they live and what discipline they studied. Financial majors make more money than general business majors who make about $40,000 each year.

What majors are offered by Coe College?

Coe College have a variety of different majors you can choose from. Some majors offered by Coe College are Music, Nursing, Art, Computer Science, Environmental Science, English, History and Writing. There are many other majors you can find out about on the official Coe College website.

What community college in NY have an administrative assistant major?

SUNY Monroe Community College and Elmira Business Institute provide business administration majors. Also most community colleges as well as four year colleges will provide classes in business administration if not a major.