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in Massachusetts, legislators passed the heaviest direct tax ever. the tax was to be paid in specie-gold or silver coin-rather than in paper money.compared to paper money, specie was far more scarce, and worth much more.

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Q: Why did Massachusetts require taxes be paid in specie?
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Why did Massachusetts require that taxes be paid in specie?

Massachusetts taxes are paid in specie for two different reasons. One reason was because specie was rare and for two specie was worth more.

Why did Massachusetts require taxes to be paid in specie?

Specie is a term that simply means that it must be paid in currency. This is just a term of payment that means they don't take chickens and ducks in payment for taxes owed any more. You must pay in legal tender currency, just like always.

What is specie?

Specie is money to pay taxes used in the colonial time during theoaid 17 and 18 hundreds. Usually colonists paid their taxes off in gold and silver. This is considered specie.

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By George Washington.

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In Massachusetts has no specific time frame. The estate has to be inventoried and appraised, the debts collected, taxes paid and the terms of the will meet.

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73 percent of total government revenues were derived from taxes. Tax evasion is not a serious problem in Chile.

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A will needs to be filed with the probate court. That provides assurances that the estate will be properly administered and taxes paid.

What are some taxes paid in the US?

Some taxes hat are paid in the U.S is: taxes for laws, for money, and some paid for child care

Who paid taxes Colonists or Tories?

Colonists paid a disproportionate share of taxes.

taxes are up to date, what do I do?

taxes are paid.

What are federal estate taxes?

Federal state taxes are taxes to be paid to the federal government on owned property. Theses taxes are to be paid once a year.

How does the government get paid?

the government are paid with our taxes