How do you replace a heater core in a 1998 Ford Expedition?"
The dash has to be removed. Once the dash is out, the top of the heater case comes off to gain access to the core.
i want the video or instruction,how replace the heater core on the ford expedition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a link to a step by step tutorial with pictures:
Cost about 1000 - 1200$. This is one of the hardest heater cores to replace.
Check engine light is out
where is the heater control valve for a 1997 ford expedition
Check owner's manual. If you don't have one copy and paste link below; Light Bulbs
you will have coolant in your passenger front floorboard and when you turn your heater on your windshield will fog up
did the heater core start leaking? anyway you should have no problem with the air if you bypass the heater core.
If the heater is not working in your Eddie Bauer edition Ford Expedition, your heater core is probably junk and needs to be replaced.
How do you replace a radiator on 2003 ford expedition?
Take it to a mechanic and say "will you fix the heater core?"