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In most states, YES...You should always signal a lane change on a highway, turning, exiting or entering a freeway. You may get a ticket for failure to signal or unsafe lane change. It also helps other drivers behind you know your intentions and may even help prevent an accident.

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Q: If you do not use your signal lights when exiting a highway can you get a ticket?
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You got a ticket for fail to signal how many points is this ticket?

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Can police write a ticket on interstate highway?

As long as the highway is in their jurisdiction they can. There is normally not a restriction to prevent it.

Does a unmarked police car have to pull you over to give you a ticket?

Yes, the way they pull you over is they have lights in behind the grille and they have lights in the back window and sometimes they have lights on there mirrors. The answer is No they can not ticket you .... For one it is an unmarked car police officer or not just because they have lights where ever does mean anything ... they have no stickers magnets or decals stating who they are they may have a badge but still they can not ticket you if they pull you over they can check ur licese and registration or whaatever but they have to call for back up .. been there trust me i fought it in court and won the traffic judge told the undercover officer it is illegal to ticket while driving an unmarked car

Can you get a ticket if you have the right of way and a car exiting a driveway hits me?

In all 50 states, the vehicle exiting a drive way has to yield the right of the way to all on coming traffic. In this case, you should not be cited.

Does ticket for no tail lights go on your driving record?

Yes, a ticket for no tail lights will go on a persons record. It can be dropped if the person gets the problem fixed before the court date on the ticket.

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How do you pay an old ticket from the highway patrol?

Turn the ticket over and read the back. Usually, there are instructions on the back telling how you can pay it.