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A part has failed. Find where the leak starts, and fix that part.

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Q: What is the problem if antifreeze is leaking from your 2000 Chrysler cirrus?
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How many gallons of antifreeze does a 2000 Chrysler cirrus hold?


Where do you add antifreeze to the radiator of a Chrysler Cirrus?

To the overflow tank and if the radiator has a cap,you will need to fill it with the engine cold.

When was Chrysler Cirrus created?

Chrysler Cirrus was created in 1995.

1996 Chrysler cirrus lxi stalls while driving?

Please go here.....Having the same problem with my car it's a 99.

Where is the thermostat on 2002 Chrysler cirrus?

Are you sure you mean 2002 Chrysler Cirrus -- they quit making the Cirrus in 2000. It is now a Sebring

Does a 1995 Chrysler cirrus sun visor fit a 1996 Chrysler cirrus?

Yes, it should.

Where is the level reset switch located for a 1995 Chrysler Cirrus located?

There are no reset switches on a Chrysler Cirrus.

Will 1996 Chrysler Cirrus passenger electric window fit on 2000 Chrysler Cirrus?


Where is the cabin air filter located on a 2000 Chrysler cirrus?

A 2000 Chrysler Cirrus does not have a cabin filter.

What is the estimated life of the 1999 Chrysler Cirrus?

Honestly about 150,000 miles. After that the transmission will start to stick. common problem.