A person can find pictures of the rear disc brake assembly for a 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan can be found in a Chilton's automobile repair manual. A manual like this can be found in most libraries and at automobile parts stores.
There shouldn't be a fuse for it, if none of the brake lights work, it's probably due to a bad brakelight switch, which is located under the brake pedal.
The Dodge Caravan brake light fuse can be found in the fuse box. The fuse box is located in the engine compartment. The location of the fuse can be found on the inside cover of the fuse box.
i have a 1998 grand caravan se, and it was doing the same thing and found it to be the power booster.
Ranges from 3869 lbs to 4506 lbs depending on specific model. Found on http://www.new-cars.com/2002/dodge/dodge-caravan-specifications.html
The 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan 3.8 liter engine EGR valve can be found on the top of the engine. The EGR valve will be near the back of the engine.
I have often found my 1994 Haynes Repair Manual's electrical section to be helpful.
Under the steering column is a fuse center, the horn fuse is usually found here.
found this bypass pulley: http://www.1aauto.com/1A/ACBypassPulley/Dodge/GrandCaravan/1AEPM00050/1089407
Yes, the best one I have found for the price is Astro Pneumatic 7860 11-Piece Caliper and Brake Service Tool Kit. I bought it from Tooltopia. Do a search.
Usually right there under the hood. If not, get a motor manual for same vehicle.
The exhaust diagram for a Dodge Caravan can be found by doing an internet search. An internet search will return various diagrams of the same.