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An eye-witness account.

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Q: A first-hand account of an historical event is known as?
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What is a persons explanation for a past event known as?

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What was the historical event that occurred during 1794?

The main historical event was in France, where 1794 witnessed the fall and execution of Robbespierre and the end of the period known as 'the reign of terror'.

How can the same historical event be known as a war of independence and a catastrophe?

Whether or not an event or series of events is a good thing or bad thing depends on perspective.

How do you describe the historical dates 1865-1877?

The event that takes place during 1865-1877 is known as Reconstruction.

What is arkadsky history?

There is no widely recognized historical event or term known as "Arkadsky history." It is possible that this may refer to a specific region or individual that is not well-known in broader historical contexts. More specific information would be needed to provide a relevant answer.

How old was David when he fought Goliath?

This is something which is not revealed in the historical account of the encounter and so will probably never be known. 67

What is a firsthand biography?

A firsthand biography is a biography that is written by someone who has direct personal experience or knowledge of the subject. This typically involves the author having interacted with or known the individual being depicted in the biography.

When did Battle of Tullich happen?

There is no historical record of a Battle of Tullich. It is possible that you may be referring to a conflict or event that is not well-known or documented.

What has the author Caroline A Hayden written?

Caroline A Hayden is a writer known for her book "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House." This book provides firsthand insights into the workings of the Trump administration.

When did Battle of Ringmere happen?

There is no historical record of a Battle of Ringmere. It is possible that you may be referring to a fictional battle or an event that is not widely known or recognized.