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Q: A form of government in which the leader is not aking or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote?
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A form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote?

Democracy or a Mawcracy.

What leader do the citizens of Australia vote into office?

The members of the local councils the members of the state government. the members and senators of the federal government.

How the US is a government of the people by the people for the people?

US citizens VOTE for the government official who then REPRESENTS the citizens while in office.

How the US is a government of people. By the people. For the people.?

US citizens VOTE for the government official who then REPRESENTS the citizens while in office.

What is the government office in a foreign country that protects the rights of its citizens?

an embassy

Why are the Libiya protesting?

The Libyan leader, Moammar Gadhafi, is poorly treating the citizens, and they want him out of office.

How does joining interest group private citizens participate in their government?

citizens can affect policies without running for office

How can citizens participate in government?

Voting, Jury Duty, && Running for elected office.(:

How does joining interest groups helped private citizens participate in their government?

citizens can affect policies without running for office

Who was the revolutionary leader who seized control of Cuban government?

Fidel Castro was the revolutionary leader who seized control of the Cuban government. Castro was in office from 1961 to 2011.

How can citizens become involved in our government?

help with political campaign, run for office, serve in the military

What is the main political office of Australia who holds that office president prime minister?

The leader of the government in Australia is the Prime Minister.